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Question for Vocor?


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Hey Vocor, what's up man? I'm just wondering if Proscar is all you take for your hair loss? Now I know you use Rogaine, but like me, hate the hassle and only take it once in a while. So do you use anything else though, like shampoos, spray, creams, or is the proscar all you really take?





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Hey Vocor, what's up man? I'm just wondering if Proscar is all you take for your hair loss? Now I know you use Rogaine, but like me, hate the hassle and only take it once in a while. So do you use anything else though, like shampoos, spray, creams, or is the proscar all you really take?





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Currently, I ONLY take 1/4 Proscar. That's it!

Rogaine was too much of a hassle. Way too much for my taste. I end up with crappy looking hair due to the Rogaine, so I tried to use it at night, and then my pillows and such get saturated with the goop.

BUT . . . these are petty flaws. The fact of the matter is Propecia, which is so easy to use and produced no side effects for me and more importantly, produced the results I want, is all I feel I need right now. So, the potential benefits of Rogaine aren't so important to me.

When I used it, it did make my scalp itchy. I stuck with it for a while and then lost discipline.

So, only 1/4 Proscar. Very, very easy hairloss solution for me when coupled with my HT.

I've seen some people who are truly "obsessed" with their hairloss. I guess I feel the manner I'm approaching my hairloss doesn't feel obsessive or excessive to me, just part of my routine, like brushing my teeth. So I'm pleased with that.

Hope this helps.



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If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

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