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Hairline measuring?

The Von

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When your measuring how high your hairline is above your brow do you measure from the top of the eyebrow or the bottom..cause i hear people saying that thier hailine is 7 cm above their brow..that seems high to me?

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  • Regular Member

When your measuring how high your hairline is above your brow do you measure from the top of the eyebrow or the bottom..cause i hear people saying that thier hailine is 7 cm above their brow..that seems high to me?

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for the reminder von.


I am home, and got a pencil line across my forehead, about which i would have forgotten about, being absent minded lots of times.

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According to Da Vinci's standard of beauty - the distance between your hairline and your eyebrows, should be equal to half the distance between your eyebrows and the tip of your chin. That means that the longer your face, the higher hairline you can afford without looking balding.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic''. Arthur C. Clarke

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I think I read in the Shapiro Medical booklet that most new hairlines are place 8-10cms above the eyebrows.

I remember clearly being measured at about 7.5cm on my head. But still, my hairline doesn't not look low to me. Not even slightly. It is clear that I once had hair growing beneath the 7.5cm mark.

I'm left with the mature, slightly recessed look. A NW2 look.



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I don't think you should go off of length. Take one guy is probably 6'5" with a big size head and therefore, 7.5 cm may be near his eyebrows. At the same time, a lil' guy who is 5'3" who has 7.5 cm hairline distance would probably be considered bald.


2 cents

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Certainly the distance from your hairline to eyebrow would be a little different for people that are bigger than others, but proportionaly, it would be pretty close !!


Where to start a hairline has to do with how much hair has receded on the temporal area of the head.

This tells whether the hairline will be to low or not !! The lower a hairline, the more grafts it will take to fill depending on amount of loss.


If you have NO TEMPORAL HAIRLOSS, then the hairline should be low to match the temple area.

If you have ALOT OF TEMPORAL HAIRLOSS, then the hairline will be back alot farther to correspond to your hairloss.


My circumstances is I have NO TEMPORAL HAIRLOSS WHAT SO EVER, but thinned all the way to the crown. My Father - Complete head of hair (No temporal loss), my Mother's Father - completely bald. (Thinned all the way to the crown)


I have the original Hairline, 2.5" to top of eyebrow at 43 years old and it looks correct !!


Look at my Pics,




Thanks --- icon_biggrin.gif

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You make a very valid point. Maybe the 8-10cm measurement is for guys about 5'10" or maybe my face is a bit smaller than normal.



Knowledge is Power

If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

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Well I finally measured my hairline. I measured from the highest part of my eyebrow in the center. I came up with just under 5 cm. Now I know I have a big cranium. But I think its more of a long (front to back) head than a wide head. If that makes senses. I am losing most of the hair at the temples (left one in particular) and slight thinning all over. I really want to get up the guts to shave my head but I am afraid that my head is wierd shaped. It seems that my jaw is wider than the top of my head, I think i might look like a cone head! O well we will know soon enough since the propecia doesnt seem to be doing much anymore. Doh!

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My hairline,


My natural hair at the furthest forward point is 2.75 inches to the eyebrow, niether HT has went forward of this remaining resident hair...there was some side fill which addressed recession, but I am 6' 0" and feel 2.75-3.5 inches is a fairly normal distance. I am appx a nw2 and 42 years old.


If you use the old rule of " 4 fingers width is correct " it is pretty close to true, my 4 fingers width is appx 3.25 inches. I did NOT even consider going lower, only fill in, you can grow your hair forward for coverage anyways.



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