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my transplanted hairs are growing!! Does that mean they might not shed?

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I hate to sound like a broken record, but I'm on day 10 and ZERO of my transplanted hairs have shed and they are growing like crazy.


In fact, at this point it looks like I have a bushy crew cut. Since they are obviously growing, wouldn't that mean they are alive and well? In turn wouldn't that mean that they MIGHT not fall out?

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  • Regular Member

I hate to sound like a broken record, but I'm on day 10 and ZERO of my transplanted hairs have shed and they are growing like crazy.


In fact, at this point it looks like I have a bushy crew cut. Since they are obviously growing, wouldn't that mean they are alive and well? In turn wouldn't that mean that they MIGHT not fall out?

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  • Senior Member

All your newly transplanted hairs can stay without falling out. Its Very possible because I had 3k ht 4 months ago and I kept over 90% of all my hairs. They say that it is rare to not shed your new hairs. I guess I did not have to go through the ugly duckling stage as the guys put it on this site. Are you on rogaine and propecia thats what I was on. I started using rogaine on the new ht hairs at 14 days after the ht and was only on propecia 2 months before the surgury. good luck man

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  • Regular Member

I started again with minox on like day 11. Actually I'm using Nanominox from Sinere which contains sophora extract. Sophora was shown to make hair go from telogen to anogen so my hope is that it will KEEP my transplanted hair in the anogen phase so it won't shed.


Thanks djdennis...you've give me real hope of keeping my hair (although I did shed about 20 last night)...especially since we had the same doctor!

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im a couple days past 3 weeks post op and i still have roughly 50% of my grafts. im hoping they hang around, as they make a cosmetic difference. then in 3-4 months the reserves will come in. i really cant wait for 4-5 months from now, its gonna be amazing. it doesn't seem like a big deal, but there is simply no greater gift than getting your hair back. atleast thats how i feel.

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  • Regular Member

Im a month and 3 days post op and Ive lost virtually 90% of my grafts.


You can wish in one hand and sh!t in the other. See which one fills up first =\

Don't give up hope though, assuming they all fall out, they'll come back sooner than you think.

I see a lot of people with significant growth at as little as 3 months... But I hope you keep 100% of your grafts, as no one enjoys seeing hair in the sink.

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  • Senior Member

im kinda starting to think my remaining grafts will be staying. I'm almost at 4 weeks, and about 2 weeks ago i went through my shedding phase where i lost about 50% of the grafts. I figured most, if not all, would eventually shed. As of now my remaining grafts seem pretty firmly entrenched. i dont want to get my hopes up to much and be disappointed if they fall out, but after 4 weeks, there is a very strong chance they will hang around.

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