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A few questions:


I see in Hair club EXT's Minoxidil instructions, that it works only for the crown part. I have thinning and loss of hair on right and left sides of forehead


Is it reasonable to expect results?


Similarly products like rogaine foam are for entire head! Is minoxidil applicable for entire head?


Nizoral shampoo usage is also recommended in these forums, any side effects of continuous usage of nizoral?


Thanks much... and you guys are awesome in this forum.. cheers

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Minoxidil is minoxidil whether you use Hair Club's Extreme Hair Therapy (EXT) or Rogaine.


Minoxidil is only FDA approved for the crown, but might help thicken thinning hair on other areas of the scalp.


There is currently no non-surgical hair loss treatment proven to grow hair in completely bald areas. Only hair transplant surgery can do that.


I hope this helps.



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  • Senior Member
Is minoxidil applicable for entire head?



YES. Minoxidil can work on all parts of your head.

The reason why the pharamceutical companies (no need to call the names)says it can only work on the crown area, is because that is the area in which they carried out the scientific experimentations.

take care...



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  • 2 months later...

I have been applying minoxidil once a day for the past 2 months. However, I am currently going through a rush of hair loss! It was steady before that.. and yes, I know initially with minoxidil, there is excess loss, but guess I should be pass that initial phase


I am also using the nizoral shampoo alongside, about 2-3 times/week, because of its + of having ketakonzole





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I don't think you should be shedding after 2 months. Usually the shedding stops after a couple of weeks. I'm pretty sure if you read the rogaine website it says that if shedding continues after 2 weeks you should discontinue use. Initially nizoral can cause shedding too so not sure which one is causing it.

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It may take from "at least" three to nine months to tell if Minoxidil is working...


Minoxidil will accelerate the growth cycle of your hair, hence the shedding phase in the first months. That should be a sign that minoxidil is actually working.


This can be surprising: the hair growth cycle is accelerated and fall at a faster rate since there is more hair rushing in the telogen (shedding) stage at the same time.


Good news is that the anagen (growing of a new hair) stage is preparing underneath, and you should see a new phase of growth, with thicker and healthier hair soon.


Obviously, if you are not already on finasteride to accompany your minoxidil treatment, I would start tomorrow!


If you start finasteride, I would start with a gradual dosage for the first weeks (smaller dose, few times a week), then gradually stabilize at 1mg or 1.25 per day (or every other day) after a month. That way, you will most likely cancel chances of adverse effects.


Good luck

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