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Guest wanthairs

16 ininch scar...I am sorry that you feel this way. Maybe you have had a bad experience. I was a newbie at this 2 years ago and thought transplants looked ridiculous.


Then i found this site and researched some of the Dr's and chose one and went ahead and did it. I plan on doing a second and a third as long as I can afford it, because it did work out, thanks to this site. Anyone skeptical is welcome to visit florida and meet with me to see my results up close and my virtualy invisible scar.

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16 I really do feel sorry for you but there is too much overwhelming proof the transplants DO work. So much that there are thousands of lives changed for the better due to them.

This site does in a way advertise surgeons BUT only surgeons that wont have people ready to jump off a cliff like you have said in the past.

This site would never send anybody to the place you went {bosley} because of their track record.

There still plenty of hope for you as youve only had one procedure. I know its hard because Ive been there but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I feel your pain. A great doc will change you life in 8 months. I can almost promise you that

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there is also overwhelming proof that hairtransplants have ruined alot of peoples lives. and sure the hair will grow but who knows what direction it will grow. my transplants grow strait up and dont flow with the rest of my hair. i actually had a alot of hair but my hairline was a concern of mine. a little receeded but the way i cut it and the style i had actually looked pretty good but for what ever reason i decided to try to work on the hairline.just the hairline and the so called doctor put in 2700 grafts in..now my hairline is so screwed up. is there anyway to remove some of them to make it look better? would laser work? or am i stuck?

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16inchscar, Stick with one of the top 5 doctors on this site, like I did, and I guarantee you'll be LOL with joy!! I did and I'm LOL!! My result/density and coverage in my frontal-third are real!!

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16inchscar, Yes!!!!!!!!! How long ago was your last HT? Even if there was grafts waisted at your surgery, you should have more than enough to get a great result from a future HT.

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Given your past experience, the history of this industry, and the fact that not all physicians perform state of the art hair transplantation, I can understand why you feel the way you do.


However, today's hair transplants in the hands of the right surgeons can help restore someone's hair and look natural.


Our site is an educational community that helps balding men and women discover the best hair restoration solutions for them. We recommend surgeons based on a high level of membership standards. Learn more about our recommendation process by clicking here.


Hair transplant surgery is not for everyoen, but a number of people like myself, who've gone to first-rate physicians are very satisfied and thankful for the new head of hair we have. See my hair restoration journey below.


I encourage you to seek comfort in this educational and supporting community rather than attack it.


Best wishes on moving on with your life with our without hair transplant surgery,



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No wonder you're bitter: Bosley is a big no no. Listen to the other guys and visit a top doc. I'd start with: Feller, H&W, Rahal, Alexander, Shapiro.


Best of luck to you. Oh and btw, I am very happy i went down the Ht path, and that's after getting a bad Ht from a hack doc, and just 5.5 months after my second Ht from a top doc....

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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hi 16 i feel your pain i've had the uk equivalent to bosley mess with my head but it hasn't put me off mate theres just too many pictures on these forums to prove they work which justifies my decision to get repaired, go to a good doc and you will be ecstatic good luck mate

2 poor very poor UK ht's

2 world class repairs with Shapiro Medical Group

original thread


Dr Paul's procedure http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1710

Dr Ron's procedure


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I don't blame you for your bitterness. Several years ago I was in the same boat and I would have said the same thing. There is a difference though. I and many others have experienced this difference and are much better off for it. Do your research and find the way for you if you want to have some sort of recompense for the wrongs done to you in the past. Don't run into a Mercedes dealership and yell "don't buy a car, they don't work" when your only experience is from buying a 20 year old Yugoicon_smile.gif

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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