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Dr. Dominic Brandy


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Dr. Brandy has permanently damaged a lot of guys with his aggressive techniques.


I think it is safe to say that Dr. Brandy is one of the most hated doctors in the field.

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Everything that I've ever heard about Brandy is bad. I woudn't go near him if I were you. Listen to what these guys are telling you.

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Thank you for your replies. I will certainly not go to him based on the responses. I live in NYC based on the actual before and after pictures not only on his website but also in person he seemed to have done a lot of celebrities. I was going to travel from NYC to Pittsburgh to get the procedure done in two weeks. But I will put off the surgery now until December (the next vacation for me) and look for another doctor. Any recommendation would be welcome. I am a thinning type 6. Have enough hair to cover my balding area thus am concerned about shock loss. Thank you all again you basically saved me.

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Rather than making a reccomendation for you, I suggest you hang around here, do some research, and read anything and everything that you can get your hands on. There's a ton of info out there. I've been doing this for at least 6 months and I finally feel like I'm getting close to making my decsion. Do not take it lightly and do not make a decsion in haste. Don't worry though, we got your back.

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I came across this and checked Brandy out. His after pics are awesome, but I still wouldn't use him from all that I have heard. icon_eek.gif


An informative, well-written book about the benefits of hair transplant surgery is A New Headstart! by Dominic A. Brandy, M.D. If you e-mail him at his Web site www.brandymd.com he will send you this book free of charge.

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I know one of the guys on Brandy's site. My wife worked at the health club he managed when we lived in Pittsburgh. It's funny to see him serving as a reference for Dr. Brandy.


He was always such a know-it-all, so I am sure he'd never share any shortcomings, if he felt there were any. Much unlike this site...


Mr. T


[This message was edited by Mr T on May 31, 2003 at 04:27 PM.]

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out of curiousity i went to the site and he has some amazing testimonials, close-ups of comb throughs, etc. better than futzyhead, if that's possible! there's one guy, a GQ model, who looks like he's had incredible work, but his face looks familiar and i doubt if he ever let himself get as bald as he did and still got work. plus there's the brady bunch guy, who also looks like he's had great work. so, whatta ya think? scam or not?g

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The pictures on his site look incredible and even better in person. Now I am confused. Just to be sure I have made an appointment to see Dr. Feller and will make an appointment to see Dr. Shapiro before I make my final decision. Will keep this board informed with before and after. Thank you all for your advice.

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Remember that having good "after" photos is only one small piece of the puzzle. It doesn't mean your doctor is a good choice. Every doctor who isn't a completely incompetent idiot will have at least SOME impressive photos. That isn't the point with Dr. Brandy.


Dr. Brandy specializes in scalp reductions, and scalp lifts which are a radical type of scalp reduction. A scalp reduction is where they cut out a bald section of your scalp and then stretch the sides up together, and suture it together. A lot of times the scalp just stretches back to where it was before (stretchback). So there is no cosmetic gain, and you now also have long scars right in the middle of your balding zone. Scalp reductions can also cause shock loss just like any other invasive scalp surgery.


Even when scalp reductions don't stretch back, you are often left with a tight scalp, making strip excision harvesting less likely to result in high graft amounts (because you can't take as big of a strip anymore) and the tight scalp increases your risk of a bad donor scar. The scars from scalp reductions are long and some guys look like they were hit in the head with an axe. The scars are usually in the crown, which is an area many guys don't have enough grafts to cover up in the first place. And in general it is hard to hide the scars because usually scars don't accept grafts as well as non-scarred areas. Many many guys have been unable to cover up their scalp reduction scars with grafts, which leaves them open to questions like "When did you have brain surgery?" So there's usually a small potential payoff with scalp reductions (slightly smaller bald area) in exchange for many risks and serious drawbacks.


As bad as that sounds, a scalp lift is worse. That's like a scalp reduction on steroids. They actually detach most of your scalp (under general anasthesia usually) which of course requires really long incisions that run your entire head in some cases. This allows them to REALLY pull up not just the scalp but up from the neck, around the ears etc. This way they can remove a much bigger section of bald area at once... like doing 3 times as much as a scalp reduction.


The problems are that it pulls from ALL OVER, so that the hair on the nape of your neck is now like 3 inches higher than it used to be, the hair over your ears is out of position, in some cases people have ended up with a permanent look of "surprise" on their faces because of pulling their brows up high. So now even though your bald spot is gone, the hair you DO have is in the wrong place, and because it has been pulled out of position it is now going at the improper angle. These are PERMANENT deformities due to permanently altering the landscape of the scalp. There's really no effective way to undo something like that... they've removed a big piece of scalp and thrown it away.


Now yes, there are some guys who have had scalp lifts who are happy with their results. Sometimes it apparently seems to work out. But other times, guys are completely ruined by these procedures. If a procedure makes a certain percentage of guys happy, but it absolutely ruins a certain percentage of guys (no telling which group you'll be in beforehand) should it still be done? Maybe an aggressive doctor is not always a good choice?


Personally I have come to think Dr. Brandy is a maniac who should be barred from practicing medicine, after meeting a few of his patients. It seems like the doctors who practice the state of the art all-FU transplant generally think scalp lifts are stupid and barbarric and should not be done under any circumstances.


Now to be fair, not every guy who goes to Brandy will want or will need or will receive a scalp reduction or scalp lift. But so what? Is it a good idea to patronize a doctor who actually ruins some of his patients, even if you personally aren't one of the unlucky ones? In my opinion, hell no it is NOT a good idea. Don't give this creep another dime.


By the way, here's a photo from this website (HTN) of a patient of Brandy's. Notice how his hair is out of position where it should be by his ears, and the long scars that travel down his head.


Dr. Brandy should be in prison for harming people like this: http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Gallery/guest_details.asp?GuestID=10


Some guys seem to think "aggressive" doctors are good and "conservative" doctors are bad. Brandy's a perfect example of an aggressive doctor who is willing to take some chances if you are. And as you see, Brandy's website seems to have some impressive photos. Well a conservative doctor will never harm you, as happened to this poor fellow, and many others like him.


As always, I urge you all to be careful and try to minimize any risks. Hair transplants are permanent cosmetic surgery, and they are very unforgiving when things don't go like you planned.


Don't gamble with your appearance.


[This message was edited by arfy on June 01, 2003 at 11:41 AM.]

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thanks for the informative post, arfy. scalp lifts aside, do you think the patients on his website are his and have they actually undergone fu procedures? Or are they tricked up somehow? i'm thinking particularly of the GQ guy. listeneded to his testimonial and he says he has a thin scar...undectetable... but in terms of the language (and i haven't lstened to it again) i don't think u ever actually hear him say that he had the procedure...whereas the brady bunch guy says yes...just curious...



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thanks for the informative post, arfy. scalp lifts aside, do you think the patients on his website are his and have they actually undergone fu procedures? Or are they tricked up somehow? i'm thinking particularly of the GQ guy. listeneded to his testimoni al and he says he has a thin scar...undectetable... but in terms of the language (and i haven't lstened to it again) i don't think u ever actually hear him say that he had the procedure...whereas the brady bunch guy says yes...just curious...



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sorry about the duplicate posts... i gritted my teeth and looked at the gallery photo. horrible. furthermore, he says he doesn't do transplants on models and actors and yet there's two on his site.


i would not trust anyone who had done that hair lift...


hg ?‚??

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You know that picture of that guy has made me quite upset; its bad enough going bald but being butchered is so much more horrific. Something should be done about asshole doctors like this.

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I think this is something one needs to be totally clear about when going to get an HT. You can actually end up looking worse than before. That's why it's so important to do your research first. Of course the guy in the picture is an extreme case, but still.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic''. Arthur C. Clarke

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I am one of Dr. Brandy's victims as well. I had 2 scalp lifts and 1 transplant. I can attest that this doctor disfigured me for life. Please do not let him touch your head. Do your research on the internet and you will see that the negative posts concerning him greatly outweigh the positive ones. Where there is smoke there is fire!!!!


I only wish the internet and hairloss sites were as popular 10 years ago when I had my procedures done. I could have probably been saved quite a bit of agony.



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Oh my god, that poor man, I'm almost in tears looking at him. When I went for a consulation in the early 90's, the surgical option they offered me was a hairlift by Dr. Brandy. I still have the brochure in fact, filled with happy, smiling men that look great. I really wanted to go the surgical route, but due to cost I decided on a hair system. If I went to a doctor for help and he did that to me, I'd kill myself and someone would find the doctor in a trunk of a car with a bullet in the back of his head.


The hair system was terrible too, I was never so happy as the day I ditched that damned thing.

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When I was looking for a doctor maybe 7 years ago, I did the newsgroup thing online and found there were a few patients of Brandy's who were outraged (one in particular who spilled his guts) so I decided to go to Bosley. HUGE HUGE MISTAKE! I never even met the Dr. Bosley and from the looks of my scalp, probably neither did the guy who did my transplant.


Recently, I decided it was time to do something about this pluggines I see everyday so I asked my family doctor if he knew of a good transplant guy. He asked me what I thought of his hairline. It looked totally awesome and I mean TOTALLY. He told me he went to Brandy in Pittsburg. I almost fell over DEAD!!!


He said Brandy is a pioneer in the field and like other surgeons he had done some procedures years ago(like the hairlifter) but doesn't do it anymore because other procedures offer better results with less chance of a screw up or complications. He also said that he actually visited Dr. Brandy's School for Transplant before he had work done just to be sure of the guy and his results with transplants.


The way I look at it is, if he's good enough for a professional doctor who's done his homework, he's good enough for me. (Brandy's website pictures are pretty much the best I've seen and I've been to them all.)


I have an evaluation appointment on the 25th. I'll let you know how it goes.

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Listen, I am a doctor. I wasnt when I had my surgeries done 10 years ago, but I am one now. Not only are his hairlifts bad, but he gave mea crappy transplant as well. This is your final warning from me......do not choose Dr. Brandy or you will be sorry.


When you go in for your consultation, ask if he still uses his stencil pattern to mark where the grafts go. I am sure you will be happy to have your grafts placed in symmetric rows. It really does complete the "doll's hair" appearance perfectly.



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You have got to be kidding me!!!The best pictures you've seen!?! How do you know they are real and not staged? Get more information than that before you choose. See real patients of Dr. Brandy and check out there results in person, not in pictures.


Mr. T

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