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I am a female! HELP!!!

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I am a 29 yr. old female and have noticed slightly more "shedding" lately. I have always had somewhat thin hair on the top of my head - I think at 15 my hair was thinner on the top than sides and back. Now, it's thinner on top but the back is still "bushy" (my hair is brown and curly). Anyway, my mom had thin hair all over head head and all the males in her family were bald. She also had lots of medical issues including thyroid probs. I am trying to be procative about this and "fix" it before it really comes a problem. My husband says my hair looks fine, but I feel repulsive and am starting to feel like I dont want to leave my house or go to work - I have panic attacks because of this - I'm now on paxil and zanax. My hairdresser is so amazed that the rest of my hair is so thick - haircuts are so embarassing I could die! Sorry to be long winded - but this is so hard on a female. I've had blood tests run and all was normal. I'm seeing a derm next week. But, after reading this site, I'm seriously considering HT. Whose is best for female patients? I am willing to travel but would prefer one close to NYC. Can anyone help or offer me some hope. Thank you so much.

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I am a 29 yr. old female and have noticed slightly more "shedding" lately. I have always had somewhat thin hair on the top of my head - I think at 15 my hair was thinner on the top than sides and back. Now, it's thinner on top but the back is still "bushy" (my hair is brown and curly). Anyway, my mom had thin hair all over head head and all the males in her family were bald. She also had lots of medical issues including thyroid probs. I am trying to be procative about this and "fix" it before it really comes a problem. My husband says my hair looks fine, but I feel repulsive and am starting to feel like I dont want to leave my house or go to work - I have panic attacks because of this - I'm now on paxil and zanax. My hairdresser is so amazed that the rest of my hair is so thick - haircuts are so embarassing I could die! Sorry to be long winded - but this is so hard on a female. I've had blood tests run and all was normal. I'm seeing a derm next week. But, after reading this site, I'm seriously considering HT. Whose is best for female patients? I am willing to travel but would prefer one close to NYC. Can anyone help or offer me some hope. Thank you so much.

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there's not much females on this forum - mostly guys, and mostly HT oriented. You may want to check out women's section on www.hairlosshelp.com Your chances of getting help there are better. Good luck.


"There are only 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't..."

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New York Girl

Be careful and do a lot of research here, before you get any surgery. The "average" hair transplant looks like an obvious hair transplant, which is worthless. Only a handful of doctors do a great job of the surgery, most doctors do not.


Females are often not good candidates for hair transplant surgery. However, as a female you are a candidate for drugs that guys cannot take (due to potential feminizing properties). You really need expert help from a doctor who is not trying to sell you anything. It's hard to find doctors who can give you good information on female hair loss. Keep looking until you find one.


Be careful because there are a lot of crooks in this business, who only care about your money.

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Hi again, thanks for your responses. Anyone else with any insight please reply - I am desperate. I have checked other sites, including the one mentioned, but feel this one is the most informative, by far. Sussexco.gal, would you mind telling me your age? What kind of hairloss did u have? I have so many questions, maybe we can exchange e-mail addresses - totally up to u if you are comfortable with that. Anyway, I totally intend to try everything before getting a HT - my only concern is that over the next few months my husband and I are going to start trying for a baby and I will not be able to take any oral medications, that's why I'm researching HT's maybe for next year, if all else fails. Does anyone have a dr. who has had success on women??

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New York Girl,

I really understand what you are going through. My hair also thinned in my 20's and improved after a couple of years. It is pretty full around the sides and back but is still thinner on top than I would like. I have mentioned my treatment in some of my previous posts if you want to read them. There are doctors that specialize in hair loss and use one or more topical medications. I am having a HT later on this fall. You can send me your e-mail address via a "private topic" and I will be happy to share my experience and what has seemed to help (or not) over the years. Let me know if I can help.


gone today...hair tomorrow...

gone today...hair tomorrow...

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NewYorkGirl, I found this very informative web site while trying to find info about a new book called "The Hair Restoration Revolution". The web site has several research papers regarding female hair loss. Click here to go the web site. They also list several doctors that are in the New York area. I hope this can help you.

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I have been curious about what drugs women can take for hairloss. Which drugs can they take to help their hair? Would spiro be a good idea? Maybe even internally? If a woman is not going to have kids is propecia safe for her to take?

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I had my first HT almost a year ago - about 900 grafts. Plan was to have two HTs, four months apart rather than do too much at one time due to shedding of existing hair which would make it too much worse before it got better. I had way more shedding than I expected which freaked me out (handfuls!), but it stopped after the first few days. By the time of my second HT in May (another 900), it was looking much more full only to start all over again. I often wonder if it would have just been better to bite the bullet and do it all at once rather than go through so much shedding twice and the double shock of my existing hair; not to mention having to go through the surgury twice.


I'm just now starting to look fuller and maybe a bit better than when I started - especially in my worst spots. I do fear that I won't have near the density I had hoped, but my doctor warned me about that (he told me most women don't achieve the density they desire). He seems optimistic that I'll be happy with the result and always reminds me that it takes longer to notice the improvement in women because it takes several inches to be noticeable whereas with guys, any coverage may be better than what they had.

I've still got quite a bit growing in, so I'm hopeful that by next May (one year from my last HT) I'll see a big improvement.


I am lucky that I'm able to cover my loss pretty well - even my closest friends had no idea I had hair loss until I pulled back my hair and showed them (at which point they gasped). I just have to hang on in the wind icon_smile.gif.


I you decide to go the HT route, make sure you have a good doctor who does female patients regularly. Good luck!


My doctor is Kenneth Bushwach in Kansas City - www.greatlooksdoc.com

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