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  1. It's so consoling to hear that. I'm 29 and thinning. I've had all blood work done - all normal. My dr. did say my testosterone was a little high and recommended oral spiro and yasmin b/c. But, down the line, since I do have "pattern hair loss" - I'd definetly consider an HT. Good luck and thanks for giving us girls hope!
  2. After reading the earlier threads, I had to laugh...I am a 29 year old female, and guys let me tell you what most of you already know... if a woman loves you, she loves you - whether you are fat, bald rich or poor. If this is true, it's really pathetic and I have pity on the 2 men who were involved with such shallow heartless b*tches! To Maverick - I hope you were kidding on your reply. Hopefully you truly don't feel that way. Like all men cannot be judged by the actions of a few losers, neither can all women. Be confident in the person that you are, women find confident, funny men the most attractive. Trust me!!
  3. Hi again, thanks for your responses. Anyone else with any insight please reply - I am desperate. I have checked other sites, including the one mentioned, but feel this one is the most informative, by far. Sussexco.gal, would you mind telling me your age? What kind of hairloss did u have? I have so many questions, maybe we can exchange e-mail addresses - totally up to u if you are comfortable with that. Anyway, I totally intend to try everything before getting a HT - my only concern is that over the next few months my husband and I are going to start trying for a baby and I will not be able to take any oral medications, that's why I'm researching HT's maybe for next year, if all else fails. Does anyone have a dr. who has had success on women??
  4. Hi, I am a 29 yr. old female and have noticed slightly more "shedding" lately. I have always had somewhat thin hair on the top of my head - I think at 15 my hair was thinner on the top than sides and back. Now, it's thinner on top but the back is still "bushy" (my hair is brown and curly). Anyway, my mom had thin hair all over head head and all the males in her family were bald. She also had lots of medical issues including thyroid probs. I am trying to be procative about this and "fix" it before it really comes a problem. My husband says my hair looks fine, but I feel repulsive and am starting to feel like I dont want to leave my house or go to work - I have panic attacks because of this - I'm now on paxil and zanax. My hairdresser is so amazed that the rest of my hair is so thick - haircuts are so embarassing I could die! Sorry to be long winded - but this is so hard on a female. I've had blood tests run and all was normal. I'm seeing a derm next week. But, after reading this site, I'm seriously considering HT. Whose is best for female patients? I am willing to travel but would prefer one close to NYC. Can anyone help or offer me some hope. Thank you so much.
  5. Hi, I am a 29 yr. old female and have noticed slightly more "shedding" lately. I have always had somewhat thin hair on the top of my head - I think at 15 my hair was thinner on the top than sides and back. Now, it's thinner on top but the back is still "bushy" (my hair is brown and curly). Anyway, my mom had thin hair all over head head and all the males in her family were bald. She also had lots of medical issues including thyroid probs. I am trying to be procative about this and "fix" it before it really comes a problem. My husband says my hair looks fine, but I feel repulsive and am starting to feel like I dont want to leave my house or go to work - I have panic attacks because of this - I'm now on paxil and zanax. My hairdresser is so amazed that the rest of my hair is so thick - haircuts are so embarassing I could die! Sorry to be long winded - but this is so hard on a female. I've had blood tests run and all was normal. I'm seeing a derm next week. But, after reading this site, I'm seriously considering HT. Whose is best for female patients? I am willing to travel but would prefer one close to NYC. Can anyone help or offer me some hope. Thank you so much.
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