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i noticed a bit more thinning on the crown with propecia?


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Though chemically, Propecia begins to work right away, it takes up to 3 months of using it in order to notice a difference in the amount of hair loss. It takes up to one year to determine whether or not it will regrow hair.


Additional Hair shedding is also common over the first 3 months. It should be seen as a temporary inconvenience because hair that sheds as a result of the medication will grow back stronger.


Unfortunately, hair shedding due to Propecia often leads to many hair loss sufferers prematurely stopping the hair loss medication. The important thing is to ride it out and give it time.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

I would concur with Herr Billros on this one. Sounds like your doc thinks Propecia is a good treatment for you so, if there are no side effect, try to ride it out. I've heard many patient say that they stopped Propecia and regretted it. Hair loss is progressive, but the progression is not smooth; it stops and starts. Your hair loss might "fall off a cliff" in the near future, and preventive therapy can often delay or soften sudden progressions. By no means am I trying to scare you! I am only saying that preventive drugs can sometimes spare you some heartache while you are researching docs or waiting for certain other treatments to develop.

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • Senior Member

how dramatic can shedding be with propecia?

how about rogaine is shedding also common with this product?


Does shedding only occur on the ccrown? or they can also cause shedding on the hairline?


I am currently not taking any meds and have not had a HT. I want to do both ASAP.


I am concerned, If i start taking meds, and then get my HT in around 3 months time,

The shedding from the medications, and the shockloss from the HT, might over whelm my hair and make me very very bald?


I know some people get a ht and then begin meds? would i be better off doing that or taking the meds for 2 or 3 months before the proceedure?



I dont want to wait 6 months, 2 or 3 months is the most i can wait.


BTW i only plan to get my hairline done, im thinking 1300 grafts or so.



Thoughts please?

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guy- I would consult a physician and be patient. I have seen three doctors and one was from a University hospital -not a HT physician.


You do not want to rush into a HT -especially if you are at a young age. I can guarantee that most doctors performing a HT will strongly recommend that you begin propecia immediatly. I have been on Propecia for about a month and will wait probably at least 6 months to have a HT (if I choose to get one so soon).


With propecia I have noticed some loss in my hairline but it is hard to determine if it is the medication. You tend to focus more on hair falling out when you are concerned about it. You have to realize that it is normal to shed a certain amount of hairs every day.

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