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Dr. Frayser's Clinic in Tulsa

Guest California Doc

I don't think Heatherwood's comments were meaningless at all. I'm a physician and I've had several   

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Guest California Doc

Heatherwood said he had a transplant 2 weeks ago, that everyone was friendly, and he was treated "real nice". As I told him in response to his post, these types of comments are useless and meaningless.


EVERY SINGLE CLINIC will "treat you nice". Big deal! That's completely irrelevant.


What we discuss here is "which doctors and clinics are skilled and ethical, and which doctors and clinics suck". Heatherwood won't know what happened to him, what his results are, until his grafts grow out. This will take a year or so. Until then all he can do is keep his fingers crossed. Of course, if he actually knows what kind of grafts he got, he will be able to predict his results to a large extent. For example, if he got Follicular Unit grafts, they will look natural. If he got Minigrafts, those will NOT look natural. But right now, he is in no position to recommend this clinic!


You said "Patients such as Heatherwood may not know all the "doctor-speak" when it comes to their hair transplant but they know that they have reveived a great value".


Well, I will suggest that every patient SHOULD know what kind of procedure they are undergoing, and if they do not, they are fools. When you go to a barber, do you say "Just do whatever you want with my hair- I trust you to make me look good"? Of course not. Why would you close your eyes with a hair transplant doctor, and let him "just leave all the decisions up to them"? This is not "doctor speak" like you say, it's just good common sense. I don't know why you seem to condone an "uninformed patient", who is removed from having any responsibilty for what happens to themselves? Ridiculous!


It's a sorry state of affairs, when someone "claiming" to be a physician, isn't clear on the basic concepts involved, and suggests patients shouldn't get too involved in learning about their plastic surgery procedure that will have a huge impact on the rest of their lives.

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Kiss my ass Arfy! I am a physician and I resent your attempts to nullify a patient's comments with your negative attitude and bullshit narratives. You're a clown and a fraud!

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Yes, I really believe you are really a physician, who is thrilled with your results from this Tulsa clinic.


Sure I do...


I think it's pretty funny, that you try to characterize any information beyond "how nice they are at the clinic", as "doctor-speak".


Really, maybe you can let us know if the lobby is tastefully decorated? That's the level of the dialogue we're hearing, about this clinic.


It's obvious why you don't want to get into details, beyond "price" and "courtesy". Because as you revealed, this clinic uses Minigrafts, and the word is out now, that Minigrafts "suck".


A hair transplant with Minigrafts isn't worth paying a penny for, let alone paying 3 dollars a graft!

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I've had several hair transplants over the years.The first one,(at Bosley's) was way too expensive and didn't grow worth a damn ($10,000 wasted)! I've had 2 surgeries at Dr. Frayser's clinic over the last 3 years and the grafts have grown beautifully (for a hell of a lot less money)! Arfy sounds like someone who got screwed for tons of money and got a bad hair transplant for his money. I'm happy with my transplants.

I agree with California Doc; kiss my ass Arfy and get a life!

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If you're clinic and doctor is good, there is no reason for you guys to blow up like this. All I said is that discussions about how "friendly" they are at the clinic, doesn't mean SQUAT.


I don't care WHICH doctor or clinic we are talking about. They're all "NICE". Big deal!


If my attempts to find out some REAL details about the clinic in Tulsa has gotten your panties in a bundle, that looks a little fishy for doctor Fraser. A real "top doctor" wants the public to know everything they can about their methods. They don't waste time boasting about how nice the technicians are. Only the crappy doctors try to avoid talking about the IMPORTANT FACTS. Like "what kind of grafts" does the doctor use.


All this other stuff about the technicians being friendly is ridiculous.

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Arfy is correct!


"It's a sorry state of affairs, when someone "claiming" to be a physician, isn't clear on the basic concepts involved, and suggests patients shouldn't get too involved in learning about their plastic surgery procedure that will have a huge impact on the rest of their lives.


California Doc's comments:


"California Doc:

Arfy is a clown!

Kiss my ass Arfy! I am a physician and I resent your attempts to nullify a patient's comments with your negative attitude and bullshit narratives. You're a clown and a fraud!"



Is this guy really a physician? He recommends "Hair Transplant Center" and doesn't comment on the doctor that performed the surgery. I wouldn't let this guy cut my toe nails!


Arfy knows what the true story is and how the hair transplant industry operates.




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Well Arfy. Thank you for you kind comments about my ability to determine the results of my surgery on my own hair. I am a woman and I have male pattern baldness. NO, I am not physician, but I was not aware that everyone who posted to this forum had to hold a PhD. I wanted the person who asked about Dr. Frayser to know my opinion of my treatment at the clinic. Contrary to your belief, I did not arrive singing out "oh honey, do whatever the hell you want to my head". I discussed what I wanted and how I wanted my hair to look and what kind of results they thought they could give me. They were professional and worked for quite a long time to make sure the area I was concerned about was covered as thickly as possible - I had 1,240 grafts. You know Arfy dear, they work with what you have. I also intended to come back often to update the forum of my results, so didn't feel the need to wait a year to post. So, dont' worry dear, if it sucks, you will be informed. Although, everyone needs to be aware that you take a risk of failure every time you choose a surgeon - and the chance of success. I have had very little fallout and the grafts are growing and I hold out hope that long-term, I made a good decision. I checked out Dr. Frayser's credentials with the Oklahoma medical board and the clinic's past history through the BBB. And after many hours spent collecting data online. I decided to go with the Tulsa clinic. I would call you a sanctimonious ass, but I don't know you well enough, just as you dont' know me. I am neither ignorant nor stupid. Perhaps you should take a deep breath next time before you bust someone else's chops.


[This message was edited by Heatherwood on February 08, 2002 at 01:54 PM.]


[This message was edited by Heatherwood on February 08, 2002 at 01:57 PM.]


[This message was edited by Heatherwood on February 08, 2002 at 01:59 PM.]

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But forums like this get 'spammed" all the time, by people trying to promote "their" clinic. Usually the spammers make vague compliments, because they want to encourage people to think a hair transplant is a mindless "stroll in the park".


Your first post was mostly about how friendly the folks at the clinic were. That's nice to hear but not really anything worth reporting on, because "all" of the clinics act nice to their patients. Every clinic is "friendly". That's not enough information to go on, to say "I recommend them". This last post of yours is much more informative- how many grafts and that type of thing. It's nice of you to share your experiences, but the more "specific" posts are the type which can actually help people inform themselves.


I hope everything works out for you, and you are happy with your results. But before you give Dr. Frayser the thumbs-up to everyone, give yourself some time to see what your results actually are. Usually everything seems fine "at first". It can take months to really interpret how good your doctor was.


Thank you, and good luck to you.

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to korea tom, cal. doc, & heatherwood


give arfy a break! if you read through this website you will discover that arfy knows a whole lot about this ht business. he, apparently has gotten a bad result and is trying to help others make sound discisions in their quest for hair restoration. read and study his post before coming down on him so hard. thanx

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Thank you for apologizing. I guess the kind of people who forge ahead and solve their balding problems are also the kind of people who stand up and take charge. lol Darnold, honey, we aren't fighting, just debating and defending. We are all in this for the same thing - normal hair just like the people you see running their hands thru their hair at the mall or at work and not worrying that if they do, they will be showing the world their scalp. I hope and pray that my hair comes in the way I want. And I hope that everything we write, good and bad on this forum helps someone else make an informed decision. And you are right about something Arfy, you MUST make sure you are getting the best care and expertise. I have always been lucky and I take chances I wouldn't recommend to others, but, I would also never recommend anyone on here who I did not feel did a good job for me. I am not recommending the Tulsa clinic as the perfect place, just noting that SO FAR, I am pleased with both my care and my results. Time will definitely tell, it has only been 3 weeks. NOTE: my hairdresser has several clients from Bosley and another clinic and she remarked that she thought my grafts looked wonderful and very natural already and she really thinks they should give me at least double the amount of hair I had before and wonderful results if all of the grafts come in. I will hope for the best.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Heatherwood... it's now been just a little over 5 weeks since your HT in Tulsa... just wanted to ask how things are going. Keep us updated.


Also wanted to ask you what type of fees Dr Frayser charged you for stuff other then your grafts... like for anesthesia, any lab work, stuff like that.

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  • 3 months later...

For my Tulsa transplant I believe it all came to around $40 dollars. There were 3 or 4 different medications including something to help me sleep.

The drug store was within walking distance also of the Doctor's office, but I was driven there. Even though I'm still not sure of my final results at 5 months, the service was very professional. I will say that I'm begining to believe that I did'nt get the FU's like Pat recived. It's just not close enough or natural looking enough. Would a another surgery help? Most likely, but I was told I only needed one.

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