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HT in December 2003 - my story -

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Ok guys I finally have some time to sit down and write all of this out.


I had a HT with Dr. Rose at SMG mid December 2003. The day started off normal. I had a light breakfast and went into the clinic. I didn't remember what time they said to be there so I had to wait around until the office opened up. I really was not all that nervous even considering I was not able to go in the day before for a final consult.


I filled out some paper work and then Matt came in. We sat down and talked with Dr. Rose. My main concern was how many grafts and where they would be placed. This was my first chance to actually talk to Dr. Rose. I found him to be very professional and our discussion reassured me that my results would be in line with what I wanted. Like everone (I expect) I had to give up on that low hairline I wanted and went with something a little more conservative, but that is OK. My major objective was to not end up "slick" bald. If I have a high forehead or what you might call an "adult" hairline that is OK with me.


SO after the discussion Matt & then Dr. Rose took some pics. Then I went back and got ready.


I'll post more later. I do not want to write this all at one time then not have it post.

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  • Regular Member

Ok guys I finally have some time to sit down and write all of this out.


I had a HT with Dr. Rose at SMG mid December 2003. The day started off normal. I had a light breakfast and went into the clinic. I didn't remember what time they said to be there so I had to wait around until the office opened up. I really was not all that nervous even considering I was not able to go in the day before for a final consult.


I filled out some paper work and then Matt came in. We sat down and talked with Dr. Rose. My main concern was how many grafts and where they would be placed. This was my first chance to actually talk to Dr. Rose. I found him to be very professional and our discussion reassured me that my results would be in line with what I wanted. Like everone (I expect) I had to give up on that low hairline I wanted and went with something a little more conservative, but that is OK. My major objective was to not end up "slick" bald. If I have a high forehead or what you might call an "adult" hairline that is OK with me.


SO after the discussion Matt & then Dr. Rose took some pics. Then I went back and got ready.


I'll post more later. I do not want to write this all at one time then not have it post.

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The staff were all very friendly. The took good care of me.


After getting in the chair the first step was all of the shots needed to numb my scalp. That wasn't too bad. The first ones were the worst, but after that they expanded the numbed area out by giving a shot at the edge of the last one. I started watching a DVD while they finished that up and wait for it to take effect. I also got some valum and assorted other medications.


After sticking my scalp in a few spots in back to make sure I couldn't feel anything I was ready for the strip removal. I was sitting in a chair bent over onto a foam form with a hole in it for my face. The first step was to inject a saline solution into my scalp. I guess this was to tighten the scalp to make it easy to cut and remove. This was not too bad at the back of my head but when they came around to above my ears I noticed it felt like my head was in a vice. There was a lot of pressure (and some pain really) that I didn't expect. Then the first incisions were made. This helped releave some of the pressure, but it was still uncomfortable.


Next was the strip removal. This was not so bad. The most unnerving thing was the sound. Like opening up a velcro strip as Dr. Rose removed the strip. Near the end I started to get light headed and felt like I was going to be sick. I'm not sure if this was the nerves kicking in or the medication all at once or what. They got the strip removed and stitched me up. I bet I was white as a ghost when that sat me up. I got a little rest before they started anything else to help me get over the light headedness. After about 10-15 minutes I was much better.


More for next time

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Your experiences were almost IDENTICAL to mine during surgery! Interesting to read.


Hope your post-op results will end up as good as mine. I'm sure they will.



Knowledge is Power

-- If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

-- The truth only matters if you know about it.

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Things slowed down for me after this. The staff was busy disecting the stip into all my little FUs. I watched another movie. The doc came in after a bit and started making cuts for the transplants. This all went smooth really. At lunch time I had a pizza, stood up for a bit, but was back in the chair as they planted more grafts. I will say one thing. I must be somewhat resistant to the local anesthesia they used because after a while I really started to feel some of the cuts. They had to load me up a couple more times on this just to get me through. But after pumping in enough pain killer I was good to go.


So this process went on until about 7 at night. Afterwards I felt fine and went back to the hotel with all my instructions and pain killers in hand. I had very little bleeding overnigh. Really almost none. Had no real pain to speak of other than the stitches from the donner strip.

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I went into a lot of detail here because I was taken by suprise on some things. Nothing bad just unexpected. I found the staff at SMG and Dr Rose to be very professional and I would recommend them to anyone. I would suggest that everyone before the surgery get a detail account of what will happen, just so you know. I would also say that you should not feel anything on your scalp while they are doing this. I should have asked for more earlier, but was stupid and didn't know how much I should feel or not.


I was pretty happy with the results afterwards. Now I just hope all those new hairs grow back in the way they looked right after the surgery.


I'll have to go back for another HT to get the results I want. Assuming that everything growns in the way I think they will I'll probably look at another HT at the end of this year.


I'd be happy to answer any questions anybody has. Pictures to follow.

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I had my HT done by Dr Shapiro on 12/15/03, when exactly were you there? There was another guy there who was having a HT done by Dr Rose, that wasn't you was it? I had a pretty pleasant experience over all, and things are looking pretty good for me. I hope you are growing well!

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