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Dr. Bernstein or Feller?

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Their FUE prices are virtually the same ($1 difference is not enough to choose one over the other.)


My main issues are undetectability /healing in a month, and less scarring on the back by FUE. If there was an option, I'd rather end up with a thining look, rather than with a thicker, yet not natural hairline.


Toss a coin or can someone provide a better reason?

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I am just over 5 months with a strip procedure with Bernstein and extremely satisfied. There is no way anyone would know I had a procedure. I think people are starting to wonder what is going on but unless you know the state of the technology you could not hazard a guess. I was just at lunch with my son and he looked at my head and said he can not understand how they could do such a thing. In my case, I shaved down the little hair I had and returned to the office 11 days post-op and everyone thought I had just gotten a really short haircut. Now I think as the growth continues floks may try to remember if I had this much hair 6 months ago. As far as healing goes, my recipient area was red for quite some time, but a friend who knew I had the procedure said it looked like I had just gotten a little sun. If you are doing FUE I assume you have hair to cover the procedure and it is fairly small. I can't vouch for Bernstien with FUE but only with strip. My scar is just now only a hint of redness with no line or lack of hair. I assume he used the trico closure since hair is groing through any redness. Good luck.

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First of all at this time Dr Feller charges $10 per FUE graft which is clearly available on his website http://www.fellermedical.com/Fees_Financing.htm

Your expected to pay higher for FUE as it is more time consuming then FUT.


Secondly who is Dr Woods?? Unless he demonstrates outstanding results like the plethora of the top doctors researchable here I would not consider him. FUE only represents the extraction of the follicular unit you still need someone with artistry and skill to place them.


You only should consider FUE if you only require a small no of grafts and cost is not really an issue. Otherwise you should just do FUT with a top doctor.

1344 grafts with Ron Shapiro - June 2006

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Who is Dr. Woods? Are you kidding? You need to go outside of this site my friend- if you don't know who Dr. Woods is you are way outta the loop! Hint: He basically pioneered the FUE technique we see today! And his results are all over the net.

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I am leaning towards Dr. Feller, mainly because he seemsto be more comfortable in FUE and may other have gotten great results from him. I am sure that Dr. Bernstein is excellent too, just that I have to pick one.


Is there any credibility to those "donor sealing" methods I keep readign about? As I stated on my previous post, I like to keep my hair short on the sides and back, so smaller incisions and any other methods to minimize the dots will be a huge bonus.

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I wrote a reply to your post, but it got "flagged" for content, and since it's been a few days since I posted it, I'll just assume it's not going to make it to prime time. Funny, I didn't use any profanity or other offensive language- I was just pointing out some things about the docs mentioned. Oh well, suffice it to say I'm not a fan of either of the these two docs we were arguing about- I think they are both arrogant. However, the one in Australia was doing FUE in the 90s, and definitely before the doc in the US came out with his publication in 2002. The fact that he put out a publication before the Aussie means nothing, other than he is a capitalist. If there's any doubt, take a look at his strip prices..$10 a graft!!! Outrageous. The best FUE docs are charging only around 8 per graft, and he's charging 10 for strip? Wonder what his fue prices are. whew


Ask around diferent forums, the doc in Australia has plenty of patients to back up his work, he's been a big factor in the game for awhile, there's no doubt about that. He might be a bit unconventional, but he's a major player for sure.

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arrogant? Based on what, personal experience? All doctors, and successful people are somewhat arrogant, as you need a a certain level of cockiness to succeed in life.


As far as prices, $10 is how much Dr. Feller charges for FUE if his site is up to date; strip is much less. It's not like I will save going to Australia, it would probably cost me double, and as far as that doc doing FUE since 90's, that does not say much to me. After all, Bosley has been doing transplants for ages.


Originally posted by Alexander:



I wrote a reply to your post, but it got "flagged" for content, and since it's been a few days since I posted it, I'll just assume it's not going to make it to prime time. Funny, I didn't use any profanity or other offensive language- I was just pointing out some things about the docs mentioned. Oh well, suffice it to say I'm not a fan of either of the these two docs we were arguing about- I think they are both arrogant. However, the one in Australia was doing FUE in the 90s, and definitely before the doc in the US came out with his publication in 2002. The fact that he put out a publication before the Aussie means nothing, other than he is a capitalist. If there's any doubt, take a look at his strip prices..$10 a graft!!! Outrageous. The best FUE docs are charging only around 8 per graft, and he's charging 10 for strip? Wonder what his fue prices are. whew


Ask around diferent forums, the doc in Australia has plenty of patients to back up his work, he's been a big factor in the game for awhile, there's no doubt about that. He might be a bit unconventional, but he's a major player for sure.

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If your in NY then why not consult with both. Get a feel for both of them and see which Dr best suits you.


From all my research i've decided to go with Dr Feller but for strip, so that doesn't help you out. I am in the U.K and have spoken with Dr Feller several times over the phone and he has always been very understanding and helpful. I have met with a couple of his patients one being spex whos hairline is just remarkable in person and his pictures don't quite do it justice. I'm sure he will be more than happy to put you in touch with FUE patients. I know he keeps in touch with a number of U.K guys.


All the best with your decision making but first off i would meet both Dr's or speak with patients icon_smile.gif



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Arrogant based on years of reading posts, articles, blogs, interviews, etc from both docs. I get bothered when docs constantly attack one another and fight for position in the public forum- it happens way too often in the HT industry, and it can be counterproductive and confusing for the patients.


John, I wasn't suggesting you go to Australia, I was just replying to a "side" discussion about a particular doc. Sorry if things fell off track.

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As a Former Woods patient. I have been researching Fue and Dr. Woods for over 5 years. Dr. Woods has been doing Fue 16+ years now and no matter what Rassman says he is not the first. I was able to find plenty of former Woods patients back in 2001 before I made my descion to go have my work done. My suggestion is find out about the docs you are interested on these type of websites and go seek out former patients. Through seminars, live workshops whatever. That is what I did and it helps seperate a lot of hype out there. Good luck!

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  • 4 weeks later...
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This is old news, but I was on Bernstein's site and came across this info, and remembered this post about pioneering FUE, etc. Anyway, in the interest of putting the debate to rest, here is the article link




If you don't feel like reading it, here's the relevant quote from Bernstein:


"Using direct extraction to harvest follicular units was initially introduced by Dr. Woods in Australia as the "Wood's Technique," but he did not disclose the details of his technique."

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