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Just had HT last Monday... Have a question

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Had the strip procedure, and 2564 grafts. It's all healing well, and the transplanted hairs are growing.


I was told that in many/most cases, these transpanted hairs will fall out, then be dormant for a while, then start growing "for real" in a few months...


My question is... if these babies are going to fall out, when might I expect that to happen?


Thanks in advance.

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Had the strip procedure, and 2564 grafts. It's all healing well, and the transplanted hairs are growing.


I was told that in many/most cases, these transpanted hairs will fall out, then be dormant for a while, then start growing "for real" in a few months...


My question is... if these babies are going to fall out, when might I expect that to happen?


Thanks in advance.

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Congratulations on both of your surgeries. Now as they say comes the hard part - waiting, waiting and waiting even more for the hair you paid for.


During the first few weeks, many patients start to get unduly hopeful that they are going to be one of the small minority of patients who's transplanted hair continues to grow. Then their hopes are dashed as the hair sheds.


Then comes the long journey across time as you wander through the bald wilderness desert praying and hoping for the hair sprouts that never seem to come. Some begin to loose faith and curse God, or even their physician. Some fantasize about going postal, while others simply post.


Then after about 3 to 6 months when they are convinced that they have made a foolish choice with nothing to show for it - a few tiny little sprouts emerge from the bald desert.


Then hope slowly emerges like spring as the sprouts grow and are joined by other sprouts. Spring fever takes over and those who have watched themselves thinning over the years are delighted to see that they are now "thickening" instead of "thinning".


Some get euphoric and hug their physicians and thank God or say that their physician is God since he can perform miracles. Others share the good news on this forum, while some get on with their new life.


My advice - forget you had a hair transplant and then be pleasantly surprised when you start seeing hair sprouting from your head like a chia pet.


Best wishes for a bumper crop. Pat

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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