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Crown work

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  • Senior Member

In relation to crown work, what is the best technique/method for "total coverage"? I know lateral slits would be the best incisions/placements of FU, but what pattern is the best for total coverage with the min. # of FU for a natural apperance?

Very little info from surgeons is out there with discussion on crown work-- most revolve around hairline and temple work which is understandable, but after hairline work is complete many patients would like to move on to the crown with adequate donor availability.

That said, who is regarded among the physician peers as being the forerunner with crown HTs? And what seperates good crown work from average?

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  • Senior Member

In relation to crown work, what is the best technique/method for "total coverage"? I know lateral slits would be the best incisions/placements of FU, but what pattern is the best for total coverage with the min. # of FU for a natural apperance?

Very little info from surgeons is out there with discussion on crown work-- most revolve around hairline and temple work which is understandable, but after hairline work is complete many patients would like to move on to the crown with adequate donor availability.

That said, who is regarded among the physician peers as being the forerunner with crown HTs? And what seperates good crown work from average?

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  • Senior Member



You may want to read about Dr. Craig Ziering's "whirl" method of restoring the crown. I believe he was awarded recognition for this at one of the annual ISHRS conferences and I think it was the 2002 conference.


He does have a relatively new website since he left MHR in 2003 and moved CLEAR across the country from NYC to California. I heard he was doing "tons of cases" in NYC and imagine he was making the big bucks so why he just picked up and left his market in NYC is surprising especially since he has been with MHR from their beginning days.


He is NOT anyone I would recommend however possibly there are other HT surgeons who approach crown restoration similiar. My guess is that other attendees at that conference may be able to also get you some information on his method.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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