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Surgery at Wimpole Street

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I wonder if anyone could please give me some advice and help. I had surgery in November 2006, which was a folicular transplant with The Wimpole Street Clinic in London, by Dr May. I had around 900 grafts and an incision of skin was taken from the back of my head. I have been back to the clinic a few times since for follow ups, my last visit only 4 months ago. I am unhappy with the way the transplanted hair looks, which appears very wispy and thin, I overheard the surgeon say to his consultant that the hair was very weak on the left and they have since offered me a second operation for 600 grafts at a reduced price, this would be to thicken the area up as they said they couldnt put the grafts close together due to the fact they needed room for the blood to flow better, can you tell me if this is correct?

I thought it would just require one operation and that would be it but it was never brought to my attention that maybe I would require a second operation to thicken the first session up, but I now know in my own experience that I now do. I obviously dont want to go back to Wimpole Street again and I have a consultation with HS Clinic on the 17th April but after reading the reviews it seems that Dr Farjo is the one to see..

I would appreciate any advice or help anyone can give please..



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  • Regular Member

I wonder if anyone could please give me some advice and help. I had surgery in November 2006, which was a folicular transplant with The Wimpole Street Clinic in London, by Dr May. I had around 900 grafts and an incision of skin was taken from the back of my head. I have been back to the clinic a few times since for follow ups, my last visit only 4 months ago. I am unhappy with the way the transplanted hair looks, which appears very wispy and thin, I overheard the surgeon say to his consultant that the hair was very weak on the left and they have since offered me a second operation for 600 grafts at a reduced price, this would be to thicken the area up as they said they couldnt put the grafts close together due to the fact they needed room for the blood to flow better, can you tell me if this is correct?

I thought it would just require one operation and that would be it but it was never brought to my attention that maybe I would require a second operation to thicken the first session up, but I now know in my own experience that I now do. I obviously dont want to go back to Wimpole Street again and I have a consultation with HS Clinic on the 17th April but after reading the reviews it seems that Dr Farjo is the one to see..

I would appreciate any advice or help anyone can give please..



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hey nathen


here are a few links to infomation about the clinic you mentioned , please bud do alot of research , and i mean alot of research before you make the same mistake again










also i wouldn't let geography be an issue


when i came over to New York to have hair surgery with Dr Feller in november 2007 the exchange rate was only slightly better than now ,the UK?? was 0.475 to the US$ .


That ment you could get US $2.1 to UK ??1 .


Dr Feller did 2100 grafts and charged me $7850 ,that worked out to be ??3728 .


My flights with british airways and my accomadation for four nights was approximatly a further ??800


That is $3.70 or ??1.77 per graft .


As a direct comparison against UK prices ,in february 2007 i was quoted ??1750 for 500 grafts at a hair medical centre in the UK ,this was later reduced to ??1500 . at the time there was some confusion over whether this was for strip or fue , however since then I have been informed by the clinic that they do not offer fue .


but even at ??1500 that would have cost me ??3 per graft ,that is $6.30 per graft .


for me , as a uk patient it was lot cheaper to go to the states and see Dr Feller than to stay in the UK .


so it total it cost me just over ??4500 for 2100 grafts in New York , i had a strip method although Dr Feller does do fue it is more expensive and you have to fit the criteria , as in hair density , laxity of the scalp and hair chariteristics , spex can explain it better bud


hope that helps bud


2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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I would not go back. Granted 900 grafts is not a large session by today's standard, you should still be able to see some results depending on where the grafts were placed.


Where were the grafts placed? In a localized area or over a larger area? Do you have pics, both before/after and current?


Farjo has been showing some really good results which can be seen on this site. Dr. Heitman, across the channel is another option for you.


If travelling internationally doesn't bother you and with the strength of both the pound and the euro, you can have yourself a top doc HT in North America. I am jealous as you can come over here to either America or Canada and have an incredible HT for a fraction of the cost I would have to pay-- DOH!?!


Many many people travel from around the world to have work done in North America. You should seriously contemplate it. Many will tell you not to let location inhibit your decision as I am also trying to do. And with the weakness of the dollar, this should be very enticing for you to come over here.


Again coming to North America you will get a top of the line HT, AWESOME price, and a solid track record of great results from the best HT doctors in the world.

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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  • Senior Member

Hi Nathan

Glad to see you have posted your experience on the main forum as you will get more advice than i could offer via our PMs.


As i asked you have you any pictures you can post so we can see what result you have achieved.

As for going back there i would give it a miss as his work is average at best imo and you will get a better result elsewhere.

Do plenty of research as this is the key to not making poor judgements and the same mistake again.


We are having a meet up of hair geeks and everyone is welcome.If you were interested you may want to go.


Here is the link.




Take care mate.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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hi nathan,there are plenty of dr,s on here who are tried and tested.

if you are sticking to the uk,then indeed farjo is the one to see.

take a look at my pics if you have the time.

good luck.

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


challenge the unchallenged.

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  • 4 months later...
  • Senior Member

I hate to tell you this great guy but you have been fleeced you probably never got the 900 you paid for and they just don't have the ability to do dense packing.Push then for a partial refund if you are not happy and they admit it is not good enough....just don't go under the knife with that clown May again.


I had my first ht back in 96 with him when i was 23 and had little hairloss, he gave me a wide scar, pitting, a pluggy hairline that would ultimately be too low for my nw pattern, in the words of Richie the guy is a fuc**ng d*ck.Personality of a fish aswell.


Consult with Farjo in person and send some pics to H&W, Feller, Shapiro etc for an online consult, and meet up with Spex.Good luck.If i can help anymore let me know.


Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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