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What to do immediately Post-Transplant?

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  • Regular Member

Hey guys,


Even though I've been through a few TP's before, I wanted to get some feedback from you all on what I should do immediately post-surgery? According to a check list I received in the mail, it says to apply saline solution several times a day to the graft sites, and vitamin E oil to the sutures and ice down the donor area.


Aside from these basic things, is there anything else that you all will recommend that I do?


When can I start wearing a cap?


When the grafts begin to turn scabby, could I scratch my head and kinda peal the scabs off? (Stupid questions, but I've found my self doing that in the past and perhaps maybe that's why I wasn't happy with the results)


Currently NOT on propecia, nor do I want to start taking any medication by mouth due to side effects that I have read about, so any other alternative?


Which multi-vitamins are good? Should I buy into those Hair & Nail vitamins at GNC?


Ok, the key question - What shampoo should I switch to? I am currently using Nioxin System V (the one for thin color treated hair [i used to dye it dark very often so that it would look fuller and that damaged the hell out of it])

I am considering Nisin? Any other pointers?


... I clipped my head down to a # 2 all around, it looks kinda nice but the scar is clearly visible. I'll take some pix and maybe post them later. I know some people are reading this post and comparing my old posts and thinking that I'm crazy for going through with another surgery etc... message to those, folks - I gotta do what I gotta do. The only thing I ask is for some friendly advice, not more words to scare the balls outta me, so any good pointers that could help - please please send em my way.


Surgery's in less than 12 hours and counting, wish me luck!

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Who is your doc/clinic of choice this go around?


Anyways, I would get/find one of those neck rollers/pillows to help and aid sleeping.


You can start wearing a LOOSE fitting cap virtually right after the procedure; though, I wouldn't wear a "regular" hat for ~10+ days...I also personally kept any hat wearing to a bare minimum post-op.


You don't want to scratch or peel the scabs; when showering, or just running water over your scalp, gently massage them with your fingerTIPS (not fingerNAILS).


Aside from propecia, you could try dutasteride...or, for something with typically less side effects, you can use rogaine foam 5%, of course, and try out revita shampoo (the former being the big gun of the 2).


As for other, hair-related stuff, some people like taking MSM and/or a vitamin E supplement.

For post-op shampoo, I used a very gentle one, geared towards baby's -- I stayed with this for ~2 weeks before I started using "harsher" shampoos.


Also, who did you got to in the past for HTs -- I know you mentioned not having a satisfied outcome..?


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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seriously I can't believe your going through with this.

Are you sure you want to use (possibly) the last of your remaining donor grafts to go back to the SAME doc, again?

It's not too late.

You could cancel.

At least then, you will have the option to wait, think this through, and then go back and determine who to go forward with.

If you go in tomorrow you won't have that option...

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Ahhh, now I remember -- the Giannoto patient in VA (I used to live in McLean, btw). Well, I still feel pretty much the same way. icon_smile.gif We all sympathize with you; and we understand the need to make change, trust me..however, why make change when it isn't positive change? Let alone something that could be to your serious detriment and disservice...I know it can be difficult, though, and sometimes we feel compelled to act for the sake of acting.


Anyways, I hope my tips help, and I wish you luck, though I wish you didn't need it... icon_frown.gif


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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First of all no picking at the grafts! You can wear a loose cap post op but be careful


Follow your docs post op instructions!


After about 10 days or so you can soak grafts in warm water and massage with shampoo.. Stick with gentle shampoos in the beginning and then you can use normals ones later. I like Revita..


As far as vitamins a simple multi is fine like centrum..


If you havent tried meds you may want to in order to stop future hairloss. the side effect are not in everyone and research has indicated about 5% or so ..



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Thanks for the pointers folks. I did it!!!! I'll post pictures later today and then get some feedback.


Additional pointers are still appreciated. Should I sleep on my side? Should I spray my head with saline solution? (If so, how often). What specific things should I do?

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