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Can a surgeon such as Shapiro or Hasson or Wong


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when doing a hair transplant also add a few hairs to the eyebrow? I am missing a few and need approx 30-50 in a couple of places. I have thick eyebrows but let someone mess with them and I and only I notice some are missing. can the same docs do the hair and the brow? Thanks.

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when doing a hair transplant also add a few hairs to the eyebrow? I am missing a few and need approx 30-50 in a couple of places. I have thick eyebrows but let someone mess with them and I and only I notice some are missing. can the same docs do the hair and the brow? Thanks.

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  • Senior Member

Doing a bit of eyebrow work along with a scalp transplant is totally reasonable. I'm sure the physicians you mentioned would be happy to evaluate your situation to see what's possible.

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Be sure to read and learn about the benefits and limitations of eyebrow transplantation before proceeding. Just as hair on your head continues to grow, so will the hairs transplanted into your eyebrows. There is some maintenance that will be needed for the transplanted hairs on your eyebrows such as trimming.





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Thanks for the info. I always read your posts and find them very informative. Can you direct me to some solid info on this. I trim my brows at the barbers every month anyway as they always grow so what another trim or two occasionally. Could Shapiro do it? It's not much that has to be done just on the inside and outside that I had clipped and they zapped it off a little. Most won't notice, especially my wife as she doesn't notice me much anymore (smiling)but I do and darn it if I don't focus on that one little area everytime I look in the mirror. Vanity can be a curse (smiling).

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Dr. Wong has performed many eyebrow transplants. The last one that I can recall was on a patient that was born with only short and thin wispy hairs in the brow. Dr. Wong took a small amount of donor hair and reconstructed completely new eyebrows. The patient was quite bald at a young age but the only thing he was concerned with were his brows as he felt that is "completed" his face.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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I'm glad that I can help.


Many of our coalition doctors do eyebrow transplantation.


Eyebrow transplantation works just like hair transplantation but it takes a skilled physician to do such delicate work (kind of like the hairline). Choosing a physician for eyebrow transplantation should be similar to that of hair transplantation. Select a doctor based on proven skill. I recommend using the "find" feature of our forum to view patient before/after photos.


I hope this helps.



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  • Senior Member

Dr. Shapiro has done many eyebrow work as well. Bill is correct about the upkeep of brow hairs after a transplant. Once you have the donor hairs, they can be transplanted anywhere. We've also done beards and moustaches.


So, the answer to your question is a YES.

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