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Minoxidil Use Revisited


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  • Regular Member

Many of you guys have been using minox for years. So, I've been using the stuff for a few months prior to my upcoming transplant. I realized I was putting the stuff only on my empty crown. Shouldn't I reverse this and put it on the hairs nearest the empty areas all over my head? Logic would say that I'm using it to prevent further loss and not new growth. However, if I do this in a single measured amount it hardly covers much territory even if it's dispersed through a spray. I'm also taking Propecia.



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  • Regular Member

Many of you guys have been using minox for years. So, I've been using the stuff for a few months prior to my upcoming transplant. I realized I was putting the stuff only on my empty crown. Shouldn't I reverse this and put it on the hairs nearest the empty areas all over my head? Logic would say that I'm using it to prevent further loss and not new growth. However, if I do this in a single measured amount it hardly covers much territory even if it's dispersed through a spray. I'm also taking Propecia.



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  • Senior Member

My 2 cents...


Apply it all over the hair loss zone. You're trying to strengthen any "at-risk" follicles to protect against shock loss (correct?)


Be careful because some guys do find Minoxidil preparations irritating. Don't go into surgery with an irritated scalp. And clarify with your doctor how many days pre-surgery you should stop using it.


The most efficient way to use it is to part your hair, and use just a drop and spread it with your fingertips, then part a slightly different section and repeat, etc etc. Don't unleash a torrent of Minixidil, try to use a drop at a time.


Getting back to your question, I would apply it wherever you have hair that seems borderline weak or whispy, or seems like it could be succeptible to male pattern hair loss. It's your call on how large that area is. Shock loss is supposed to be mainly an issue with any at-risk or already weakened hair. On some guys that area could be a small area, on other guys it could be the whole top of their heads (the "diffuse thinner").


One more thing about Mionoxidil in general. If you have concerns about general systemic absorbtion (not you maybe, but some guys do) you might consider wearing a latex or plastic (cheepo) glove to spread it around. It will keep Minoxidil from being absorbed into your fingertips, and may make your Minoxidil go farther because it is only going into your scalp. (I may be imagining that second part). You don't have to use a new glove every time, just rinse it off.

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  • Senior Member

Well, it works.

I've been using it for over a year, and this would not only mark the first year I didn't have noticeably less hair, but I also go that famous peachfuzz. The fuzzy hairs basically invisible to an onlooker, but they sorta recreate my old hairline and I have them all across my head (not just the back or crown, and if I let them grow out long enough they do get brown color.


It didn't work a miracle in actually reversing the hair loss to the casual eye, but it's at least slowed nature's kick-in-the-balls down if not halted it.


I have also just started taking propecia (soon to be Fincar tablets divided by 4 or 5) and lysein and saw palmetto for good, cheap measure.


I'm pretty confident they'll be a big help down the road.


I just drop a few drops onto my head and massage across the whole area (my whole top) with my fingertips. And wach my hands well, of course.

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