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Proscar/Minoxidil - Having Some Problems


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Hi everyone. I have been using proscar in combination with minoxidil for the past 5 months. My hair loss seemed to minimize for a while and it even looked like some growth was happening. However, over the last 3 weeks, my hair has been falling out like crazy. I sometimes don't apply the minoxidil in the mornings, so is this what may be contributing to the hair loss? Or is shedding normal after a period of little to no shedding? Also, sometimes I put apply the minoxidil and put on my hat right after. Is this ok, or is not recommended to do this? Also, when you massage the minoxidil into the scalp, are hairs supposed to shed when you do this? I am still on the proscar (daily) which is why I'm so concerned that my hair is still falling out.


I am a 21-year old male who as been struggling with hair loss since I was 17. It has really affected me emotionally and I barely ever go out in public these days without my hat on. I even tried the lasercomb, but it didn't work at all and put me out $4500. I know I'm considered to young for a hair transplant, but I want to be comfortable with showing my hair in public again. Thanks for any answers you guys can provide.

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  • Senior Member

woah our paths are almost identical...


i started losing my hair also at age 17-18..and i am 21 right now...and i use minoxidil and proscar....spooky...


ok lets get to it

first off i am to the knowledge that the lasercomb does not regrow any hair. they are FDA approved....for being safe, the FDA did not approve it for hairloss. big difference.


now lets get on to proscar and minoxidil.

i have been using minoxidil for about 9 months and proscar for 6 months. i saw fantastic results with minoxidil, regrew a lot of hair on my crown and mid scalp with it.


but let us chime on some information.

the hair regrown from minoxidil and the hair regrown/sustained for proscar are two different things.

if you regrew hair from minoxidil and u stoped taking it, even though u stay on proscar, the hair gained from minoxidil will fall off.


there was a time when i had work and school and i only applied minoxidil once a day or even none. this lasted for about a month.

before i can realize it i was noticing some losing of hair. it just shows you how fast u can lose the hair if not taking the medication.


when they say this is a life-long drug they mean it, you gotta take it all the time. yea sure it okay to miss minoxidil twice a week and maybe proscar once a week and nothing will happen but if you repeatedly miss them, especially minoxidil i think you will lose your hairs.


btw since you are 21 as me, i thought id recommend you to dermapatch, you can research alot on this site for it, it did wonders for me, it makes my hair look like when i was a 18.

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  • Senior Member

oh yea you mentioned wearing a hat after applying minoxidil, im sure its not a huge problem but i can see something wrong with it.


possibly you wear the hat too early and it gets hot on your head and it evaporates the minoxidil and doesnt allow the scalp to suck in the minoxidil.


and no i normally do not shed when im applying minoxidil, maybe i did a little bit on the early stages but now, nope.

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Most likely you are shedding which is a good sign oddly enough.. Basically, The hairs are cylling though the growth phases so in the short term it seems quite horrible.. Long term it is good


Hang in there!!



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  • Regular Member

That's rite..I used to use minioxidil twice daily..my hair was thick then and my friends used to tell me that there was a big difference...but since year, due to work i use minioxidil once and my hair on the crown is thinning and there is patch...

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