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Trying to prevent this from getting worse...


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I know the reasons against a man in his 20s getting HTs. Personally, this is an unrealistic avenue for me financially at the moment, and I dont yet know how my balding will progress, or why it is happening at such a rapid rate. The fact that I even have to think about this at 21 makes me sad. I always assumed I would adopt my fathers hairloss, which was basically deep temples, but no significant hairloss elsewhere. I dont know if malnutrition or stress or hairstyles or hats have any effect on my hairloss, but I seem to be going bald at 21 years old! Sadly, Im not even over acne yet and I already have less hair than my father. I feel terrible about it, so I want to know what I can do. I just want to live my life while Im young! Ive heard about propecia, and Im thinking about it. Id like to at least keep the hair that I have. I am completely overwhelmed by this. I wish all of you luck.


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I know the reasons against a man in his 20s getting HTs. Personally, this is an unrealistic avenue for me financially at the moment, and I dont yet know how my balding will progress, or why it is happening at such a rapid rate. The fact that I even have to think about this at 21 makes me sad. I always assumed I would adopt my fathers hairloss, which was basically deep temples, but no significant hairloss elsewhere. I dont know if malnutrition or stress or hairstyles or hats have any effect on my hairloss, but I seem to be going bald at 21 years old! Sadly, Im not even over acne yet and I already have less hair than my father. I feel terrible about it, so I want to know what I can do. I just want to live my life while Im young! Ive heard about propecia, and Im thinking about it. Id like to at least keep the hair that I have. I am completely overwhelmed by this. I wish all of you luck.

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  • Senior Member

Welcome Guitar,

It's nice to see you have done research and understand the pitfalls of getting a HT when young. I could be wrong but from your one and only pic you seem to have diffuse thinning, an unusual condition for men. IMO before even getting on Finasteride I would consult with a good Dermatologist to identify the cause and go from there. It could come from so many different reasons as you said, stress, nutrition, etc ... A good understanding of the cause is the first step.

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  • Senior Member

Hello Guitar,


Your best bet is to get on finasteride asap, save what you have and reassess in a few years.


HK500 has given you good advice, check in with a dermatologist first.


You may consider cropping your hair shorter to bring less attention to the diffuse areas.


Good luck my friend,





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I agree with my friends above. Consult with a dermatologist. I don't believe, however, that diffuse thinning is that rare. I've been seeing more and moer cases of it recently. But check with a dermatologist and get on finasteride ASAP which should help prevent further loss.


I think it's wise that you are not considering an HT at this point.



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i did some research on diffuse thinning, and someone mentions thyroid problems possibly being a factor. I know my sister suffers from some sort of thyroid condition, which has caused her to gain a tremendous amount a weight, (she used to be a toothpick). I am the only person in my family who is very thin, and I thought I had avoided this thyroid problem. Is it possible my hairloss could be linked? Is hairloss due to malnutrition, etc. reversible? Nobody on my father's side of the family is bald, just have the traditional front hairline pattern.

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Hello Guitar! That pic doesn't appear to be typical Male pattern baldness IMO.

Like you said thyroid conditions & other types of Alopecia or Malnutrition can cause patchy baldness. I would hold off on the propecia & see a Doctor immediately who will probably do blood test that may hold the answer to your problem..And possibly an easy cure.

Good Luck & make an appointment with a Doc!

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I recall, 20 years ago, that a bodybuilder named Jeff King mentioned that he noticed a lot of hairloss from being on a very, very low fat diet in preparing for a contest. I'm sure it's more attributable to the steroids he was taking. Stress has been known to cause hair loss. I moved in July of 2006, and my hair loss has increased significantly. I'd like to attribute it to the stress of moving, and an overly powerful shower head with very hard water with too much chlorine in it (For years I had the benefit of slower water pressure in the shower), but I think, based on my Mom's side of the family, that it's just my genetics picking up speed. My Dad is 70 and has a full head of hair! Likewise his father and most of his uncles.


My brother is a year younger than me, and has curly hair like yours. He is thinning, too, but he keeps his hair cropped short and hides it pretty well. For me, my hair is very straight, and I can't get away with it. My hair loss is much more significant than his, and topicals like ProThik are becoming harder and harder to use.


I agree, cropping it tighter may hide it better. At your age, though, I'd hold off on the transplants. I started losing at 21, too, but was able to hide it much better back then.


Good luck.

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Usually my hair is cut very short, but since living on my own Ive kind of let it grow. I admit I have been living under tremendous stress over the last 3 years, and not in the healthiest manner either. Ive been avoiding seeing a doctor just because of the cost, I dont currently have medical insurance. I think I will have to do so eventually. I know my hair loss isnt normal, I personally think it might be hygiene/health/stress related, or at least Im hoping. Is it possible that some of the hair Im losing will grow back if I remedy the situation? Thanks for all the input so far guys.

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I think I'm going to disagree with the other posters on whether this is diffuse overall thinning. From your picture it looks like you have thick hair on the sides and back (the classic horseshoe pattern). For guys who end up with a NW 7 horseshoe pattern at an early age, that is the way it sometimes happens. They thin out in that entire area. My hair looked much like yours when I was about 20 or 21 except that my hair was straight and not as curly, but the loss pattern was what you have.


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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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Thats some good insight from Behappy since he had the same hair loss patern.

It is quite possible that it is MPB.

Maybe it is not the typical pattern we usually see,ie: Receeding hairline, thinning crown.

Get it diagnosed by a coalition HT doc & find out for sure! Keep us posted Guitar.

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