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Do I have to stay on propecia for a lifetime ?


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  • Regular Member

In for life ?, even if my hairloss has stopped ? or slowed to a crawl, I see many older men with the same pattern loss as me, for instance a 70 year old man with slighty less hair than my self, I mean that could be me in 25 years, not completey bald, would a ht now be useless then unless a take pill.

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I would expect that it depends alot on where your final state of hair loss would have been if not for a HT. For example, if you were 45 and hadn't seen any additional loss in the last couple of years, it may be that your loss is stabilized, in which case Propecia may not be required to prevent additional loss, but would possibly help thicken up existing or possibly grow some non-HT hairs that had gone dormant. IMHO

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  • Senior Member

You may quit Propecia at any time.


Why get a hair transplant if you know you are unable to curb the MPB problem ?


I would NOT do HT if you cannot solve/slow the Hairloss issue - it would not make sense.


2 cents


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  • Senior Member

Hair loss is progressive. In theory, if you had hair loss, and lived long enough, at some point you could become completely bald, even if your hair loss was a slow progression.


It may slow down or speed up at various times in your life, but if you have Male Pattern Baldness, your hair loss will progress, if it is untreated.


I agree with NW that it is smart to stop (or slow dramatically) your hair loss, before even considering a transplant. You can't just replace everything with grafts. There is not nearly enough donor hair to do that, and even if there was, it would cost a fortune. The more natural hair you can retain, the better off your transplant will look.


Propecia is the best thing we have for now, it is not perfect, but it helps a lot of guys. When something better comes along, we can all switch over to whatever that is. Hopefully that day will come soon.


Since Male Pattern Baldness will last you your entire life, you should expect that you will need to take steps to fight it your whole life, if you still have any hair remaining that you would like to hang on to.

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