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I am very pleased to announce that Spineguy1 had the humility to admit that he responded poorly, too quick from emotion rather than rational thought.


He has sent an apology to Dr. Wasserbauer by email below:




"Dr W

Well I just re-read my posts and email to you and yes they were pretty scathing, I was pretty "hot-headed" not having experienced this before and wrote my immediate thoughts without taking the time to take a deep breath and think about it. In short, I let me temper get the better of me. I also read your explanation and apology to jotronic and thought it was sincere. I can see where something like this could happen and perhaps should have given you the benefit of the doubt. My apologies for not handling it in a more professional manner. I wish you the greatest success in your practice."




Thanks to spineguy for having the spine to apologizie.


His posting privileges have now been restored.


Best wishes,



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