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The Hospital Group and their lies?

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Hi everyone.


I'm a first time poster, and wanted to share my story, which also involves The Hospital Group.


Basically I'm 23 and have been losing my hair since about 16, and it has caused severe depression, anxiety, complete lack of confidence, lack of relationships, and has also hampered me in getting a job. Because of how bad it has got recently I decided I wanted a hair transplant. My Mum had done a bit of research on my behalf, and arranged a consultation with The Hospital Group. We went there and met Tarquin who examined me, and said not only was I an excellent candidate for a transplant, but also that I could have a full head of hair after 1 or 2 operations. Needless to say I felt elated that my dream could come true, and that I could get my life back.


However I wasn't completely taken in by the sales pitch, and immediately when I got home I researched the company (he was ringing back the next day). To my horror I found almost unanimous negative reviews and experiences of the Hospital Group, and the surgeon that I would potentially have (I think he was called Dr Westwood). I felt devastated about this, as I was ready to sign the dotted line and have the transplant, although obviously I was relieved that I hadn't wasted my money with them.


However the story gets worse. Determined still to have the transplant I looked towards the USA/Canada and contacted both Hasson & Wong and Feller. I knew it would be a lot more money, and would involve travel, but for me it was worth it. However to my absolute horror I got an email back from both places saying that I wasn't able to have a transplant (I had sent many photos). The guy from Hasson and Wong said 'you are not a candidate for hair transplant surgery of any kind. Your donor area is far too sparse and of very low density and your area of hair loss is far too aggressive. The donor to loss ratio is severely out of balance and being only 23 years of age, and already essentially a NW7, you are going to lose even more hair in the future ??¦. if any clinic offers to perform surgery for you and they say that they can give you a very good result you should turn around and leave because they are only after your money.'


Needless to say this news has left me devastated. In 48 hours I have gone from complete joy at the prospect of getting my hair (and life) back, to the complete heartbreak of knowing that nothing can be done. To me this proves that The Hospital Group are liars. I can't base this on actually having a transplant with them, but it shows that they will attempt to give you a transplant even if you can't physically have one.


Thanks for reading.

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I think that the USA docs did you a massive favour, the doc you, mentioned are pros, and did you a solid steering you away from The Hospital Group, they are butchers.


You seem like a clever guy, dont just run around finding someone who will operate on you because you will end up with a scar like mine and an HT that everyone will know about because it looks so bad.


To be fair to you, the docs would have to see you in person to properly evaluate your donor hair, there is only one good clinic in the UK and thats Farjo, or you can go to Brussels where there are several, BHR, Dr Devroye, Dr Feruduni, and I belive they all do consults in the UK aswell, to properly look at your head in person.

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Welcome, James_1986!


Sorry to hear about your situation, though I'm happy you found this forum in time.


Doctors Hasson, Wong and Feller are excellent surgeons and among the best out there. As hard as it is to hear, if they and their team are saying you are not a good candidate, I'm certain it is in your best interest.


Given your age and loss (not even taking your donor in consideration) any reputable clinic is going to have massive concerns with treating you.


I agree with Sparky, I don't see any harm in visiting Dr. Farjo to be evaluated; I wouldn't get your hopes up in being treated but it can't hurt to get a professional opinion in person.


As Sparky has said, in the UK I would only consider seeing Dr. Farjo or Spex (Dr. Feller's UK consultant). As you are aware, you will always find some clinic that will offer you the world and have you in the chair before you know what's happening, but if this is in your best interest is a totally different story.


All the best mate, hang in there.

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If H&W says they can't work on you, then probably nobody can. The best thing you can do right now is just come to terms with your baldness. Have you tried shaving your head? This style is still fresh and with a slight tan you can achieve a good look. Or you might want to look into a hair piece if you absolutely need something on top. Those are a lot of money down the road and a lot of maintenance, but if a HT isn't a possibility for you then all you really can do is either get a hair piece or shave it all off. Shaving it obviously being the cheaper option.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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James_1986, you mentioned about what you heard from H&W. How about Dr Feller? Did you hear back from his office?


See what Dr Feller has to say. You might also want to sent a private message to Spex (who works for the Feller clinic) through this forum. Who knows, perhaps in the near future, Dr Feller might be able to give you a very conservative hairline. Doesn't hurt to ask him.


In the meantime, you might also want to get started on Minox and Propecia.

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Thanks for the comments guys. Very difficult time at the moment.


Forest Gump, I did hear back from Feller via Spex. He said "unfortunately the doc doesn't feel you are eligible as your donor supply looks very weak too". Obviously I would rather have heard from the doctor himself, but I guess the fact that H&W said the same thing, backs it up. In terms of Minox and Propecia I haven't really looked into medicine. I assumed that it would be too late now, as aren't they to stop hair loss, as opposed to grow it back?


I might think about seeing Farjo, although it seems unlikely that he would operate, as the others wouldn't.


The only people I have actually seen face to face are The Hospital Group. The other 2 (H&W and Feller) were both as a result of sending photos. Do you think that there could be a chance that The Hospital Group were at least right that I was a cadidate for the treatment? Tarquin said he had shown the photos to Westwood and he wanted to do the operation, but I don't really believe anything they say based on what I have read on here.

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James I feel your pain and I understand your depression and anxiety. Try contacting Arocha and Rahal for a second opinion. If they say the same thing then it's time to come to terms with a new way of viewing yourself. Cut your hair short, get in shape, wear nice clothes. Putting the other things aside for the moment, women (sorry if I'm assuming gender) aren't as vain as men when choosing a mate. I know that sounds like a stereotype but women have slightly different needs from a man, like stability and confidence. Having a full head of hair is great but, it's only one of dozens of things about you that attracts other people. Work on the things that you can control, the other things, let them go. In the grand scheme of things, they're not that important anyway.


These are just my personal opinions.

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It's hard to advise you regarding medication without seeing photos, however, I wouldn't rule out Finasteride (Propecia) and Minoxidil (Rogaine).


You never know, you might be one of the lucky ones and get some growth. If you go the right way about it, it's fairly cheap to test. I also wouldn't consider it too much of a hassle, Finasteride is just a once per day dose and Rogaine foam (which dries very quickly) shouldn't take more then a minute, twice per day to apply if you have little hair to get in the way.

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Thanks again guys for the comments, I really appreciate it.


I may look for a second opinion from the people you have suggested, although I can't see them contradicting Feller/H&T. I've send Farjo an email.


In terms of the medication, I'm not sure about that at the moment. I need to do more research. Although, I know its never going to produce the results that I dreamed of with the transplant.


Spex, I am perfectly happy for you to add the photos of me that I sent you, with the face blocked. It would give people a better understanding.


Maxhair, you did hit upon a concern of mine about relationships with women etc. It's a bit unfair on my part assuming that they are that concerned about appearance/hair, but its hard not to think that, especially when I know I'm in a minority of guys with hair problems at this age. And also basing it on my last 6/7 years.


Anyway, thanks again everyone for the support.

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Don't worry, there is no way I would have one now that the leading people in America have said it is not possible, even if it was just from photos. As much as that disappoints me, I know it is the right decision.

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James, if you send Spex a photo please send me one too (face blocked out). The ONLY reason I would take propecia if I were you at this point is to save what you have in case a miracle happens and hair cloning becomes a reality. Otherwise it's expensive and has side effects.

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Originally posted by James_1986:

Thanks for the comments guys. Very difficult time at the moment.


Forest Gump, I did hear back from Feller via Spex. He said "unfortunately the doc doesn't feel you are eligible as your donor supply looks very weak too". Obviously I would rather have heard from the doctor himself, but I guess the fact that H&W said the same thing, backs it up. In terms of Minox and Propecia I haven't really looked into medicine. I assumed that it would be too late now, as aren't they to stop hair loss, as opposed to grow it back?




James_1986, I am not 100% sure, but I believe that Minox and Propecia can theoretically grow back hair. Do some background research on these drugs... their effectiveness, side effects, etc., and perhaps also talk to a doctor before starting these.


I personally think that I benefited from Minox (used daily) and Propecia (I take it twice or thrice a week), but who knows if they were placebo effects.


Good luck!

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I'm so glad you found this forum and received the advice you did from H&W and Feller, whose interests are solely in ensuring satisfied patients with realistic expectations.


As bad as it is to be going bald at such a young age, it would be much, much, much worse to have scars, and an unnatural appearance that lets the world know you were concerned about going bald, tried to do something about it... and failed. For many victims of bad HTs, they would give anything just to have a natural bald appearance again. You can shave your head and it should look great.


Just regarding your level of balding: are members of your family (brothers, fathers, grandfathers, etc.) NW6 or NW7? Did the thinning come out of nowhere, or was it gradual? If it happened very quickly, you may want to speak to a doctor.


Again - congratulations for not becoming a victim of a bad HT from the Hospital Group.




1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

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Originally posted by M&M:


Just regarding your level of balding: are members of your family (brothers, fathers, grandfathers, etc.) NW6 or NW7? Did the thinning come out of nowhere, or was it gradual? If it happened very quickly, you may want to speak to a doctor.




Yes my father is bald. I'm not sure what NW6 or NW7 is, but I imagine he would be classed as 7 if that is the highest on a scale. In terms of me, it hasn't come out of the blue, it started when I was about 16, so for at least 7 years. It's got worse in recent years.

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james yes you going to be bald .but after reading ur posts you are an amazing young man who years wiser. you are only 23 and have your whole life yet to live .any girl that snags you will be with a winner and be lucky to have you .keep your head up .

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I agree with the others, it's clear you are not a good candidate. I don't know what the hell THG were thinking, offering not one but two procedures. I have little doubt you would have been left devastated had you not found this forum.


If I was you, as I suggested in my earlier post, I'd look into Finasteride and Minoxidil. I agree with what you said and also don't hold much hope of meds giving you the results you hoped for from a transplant, however, you may just be one of those lucky ones.


Maxhair, has stated that Propecia is expensive, which it is but there are far cheaper options such as Proscar which can work out as little as ??20 for 5 months (at a 1 mg dose). As for the side effects, these are possible side effects but not everyone will suffer them and the ones that do are short lived in the majority of cases.


No one can tell you what results (if any) you will have on the meds but they stand a fair chance of saving and thickening what you already have and maybe even growing some hair if you're really lucky. Maybe the Finasteride will even help out with the donor so that a transplant may be an option at a later stage, who knows? Thats the thing, you will never know unless you try.


The above is what I would do, other then that a hair piece or shaving really is your only option.


Here's a -link- of a guy's results on the meds. There will be many more but I was just looking at this yesterday so it's in my mind at the moment.


James_1986, If after you have done some more research, you decide to give the meds a serious shot I can send you a box of Proscar which will see you through the first 4-5 months. You'd only need to buy the Minoxidil, which depending on brand and type - can be very cheap.


Good Luck in whatever you decide.

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Thanks everyone for the helpful advice. Glad I found these forums!


Originally posted by Maxxy:

James_1986, If after you have done some more research, you decide to give the meds a serious shot I can send you a box of Proscar which will see you through the first 4-5 months. You'd only need to buy the Minoxidil, which depending on brand and type - can be very cheap.


Good Luck in whatever you decide.


I'd definitely be interested in trying the meds, after I've done a bit more research. Do you need to have both the Proscar and the Minoxidil to get the best effects? Also would I need to take it indefinitely? Would the effects reverse if I stopped taking them, or would any positive effects remain permanently. Either way, it's definitely worth giving it a shot.

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Sadly, any results would be dependent on the drugs, that is - you will need to continue their use or it's very likely you will lose any benefits gained.


You wouldn't need to take both, no. But if you are wanting the greatest chance results, it would be best to use both Minoxidil and Finasteride together. I'd also consider adding ketoconazole (Nizoral, Revita, etc).

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If you take them together they are synergistec, and both work towards keeping what you have and maybe growing more, I personally think that they are quite cheap, considering what they do for you.


Definatly buy proscar instead of propecia, its the same thing, but you just have to cut the pill up, no big deal.


Spex can put you in contact with a doctor in the UK who will prescribe this for you at a very good price, think I paid ??100 for 15 months supply.

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Maxxy. I forgot about Proscar. Good catch.


James_1986 - Everyone here is right. Like Sparky said, you are 100 percent not a good candidate. Just put the thought of a HT out of your mind period, until if/when hair cloning happens. And even then, let's say it's 10 years away, and you've been on Proscar for those 10 years, you'll all of a sudden have a full head of hair. Everyone would notice... if that matters to you.


One thing that I didn't see mentioned, if you had a HT right now your scar would be so obvious, and it would remain obvious for a very long time. You could grow your hair over it but still, I don't think even that would be that effective.


Sorry buddy.


About women...


I think women feel about a man's hair as us men do about women's breast. I don't pick my girlfriends based off of the size of their breasts. I mean, it never even crosses my mind really. I'm guessing that is generally true of most men. And I think women are the same way about men's hair. One confident "Hello" and they don't notice anything other than your confidence. Again, work on the things you can control and you will end up being a happy man. This is just my opinion.


Best wishes.

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