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Rogaine on transplanted area?


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Does using Rogaine on the transplanted area affect it? I don't mean just after it's been transplanted, I'm talking about months down the road. Say, maybe an HT was done into a thinning area, instead of a completely bald area, would using Rogaine there hurt/help? Thanks.

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Does using Rogaine on the transplanted area affect it? I don't mean just after it's been transplanted, I'm talking about months down the road. Say, maybe an HT was done into a thinning area, instead of a completely bald area, would using Rogaine there hurt/help? Thanks.

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I had a HT done to the front of my head about 9 months ago, and about one month ago I started to use Rogaine on the hair behind what was translplanted, just hoping to maintain it for a little while longer. Now, the area that was transplanted has thinned, especially along the hairline. I know that the minox runs off the front of my head when I applied it, but would that hurt the transplanted hair?

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I can't imagine minoxidil hurting transplanted hairs that are already have a genetic propensity to grow for a lifetime. Maybe minoxidil has sped up your shedding cycle.

Minoxidil promotes blood flow to the skin. The result is a better blood supply to the follicle and that is good for strength and growth.

I have experienced the "minoxidil runoff" as you have, but nothing has fallen out. One reason why I'm a big fan of finasteride over minoxidil (other than it has a better clinically proven success rate) is that finasteride is easy to take and honestly, minoxidil can be a real pain in the butt to apply.

But still, minoxidil helps some people when finasteride doesn't and sometimes their effects can be synergistic. So I'm giving minox a shot.

I can only tell you that I highly doubt that minox is destructive to your regrowth. But then again, I can't tell you why you are seeing what you are seeing.

I hope this helps. I'll try not to ramble next time. icon_smile.gif



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