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Hair density

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My first post. Thank you all for the amazing wealth of information on this site.


From what i have read, the usual recommended density is 40 FU/cm square at the hairline, maybe a bit lower for the top and the crown. A consultant with Armani mentions that he can achieve 75 FU/cm. I am Asian and for most Asians, the normal density is under 100 FU/cm. Thus why need such a high density? Is the survival rate of graft lower with such a high density? Who to believe?




I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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  • Senior Member

My first post. Thank you all for the amazing wealth of information on this site.


From what i have read, the usual recommended density is 40 FU/cm square at the hairline, maybe a bit lower for the top and the crown. A consultant with Armani mentions that he can achieve 75 FU/cm. I am Asian and for most Asians, the normal density is under 100 FU/cm. Thus why need such a high density? Is the survival rate of graft lower with such a high density? Who to believe?




I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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Pretty tricky debate here. Many will say 50 fu/cm will give you the illusion of a full head of hair, so many keep it at that density. If you ask me That is a pretty good number considering you will have about the same look at 50fu/cm to 75fu/cm. The hairline tends to be a few fus higher for some docs. I know that asian hair characterstics tend to be different so each doc might quote you higher. Seeing that this is your first post I would do a lot of research before you make any decisions on who or what to do. As a warning Armanis ethics come into question a lot, do a search on Armani using the "tool" feature. Artistic ability is great, but ethics are a red flag.....

You only live once...

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Arrie is right in that Armanis' ethics are questionable at best. He does produce mind blowing results and I often wonder how. His biggest red flag is that most of his patients are very young with minimal hair loss. He then uses as much donor hair as possible to achieve an 18 year old hair line in his young patients with (more than likely) much more hair loss to come in the near future. So the problem is that you will look amazing for a few years, but what happens if your hair loss accelerates and you don't have enough donor left to fill in the rest of your balding head.


In addition, if you want the ht done by Armani himself the price tag is simply outrages. One poster on here said that Armani quoted him $100K!... That is obscene. Period.


I think it would be helpful if you posted your age and current hair loss situation. If I had minimal hair loss and I was already in my forties, then I would probably feel comfertable going to him to give me an outstanding hair line. But, in any other event, I would not. Im sure plenty of people will get in on this one, as Armani is a hot topic. When I look at his patients I admit I get total hair envy, but I don't think the long term results are going to be there if you are a young patient.

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Armani's ethics do come into question because of the aggressive hairlines he has performed on such young patients. He gets alot of praise for his results, which look incredible on his website, but I have concerns about his results. You won't notice it on his website, but if you look at some of the forums where Armani patients have posted results and take a close look at their hairlines. The density is phenomonal, but it is too strait of a line. It does not look natural to me. I am not talking about the design and placement of the hairline, but the placement of the hairs in the front. They are not zig-zagged. It is a much "harder" looking hairline to me. I think H&W, Rahal and some of the others produce a softer more natural hairline. I have minimal hairloss and am 30, so I am looking for an aggressive hairline myself. Putting ethics aside, I still probably would not pick Armani because of what I have seen with that abrubt hairline.

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  • Senior Member

Thanks for the reply.


I am 35, NW3 Vertex. My pic is attached. Started Propecia a week ago. I am not looking for great density, just a natural look. Also considering that Asians usually have lower density, then i am concerned about not having enough donor hair later. Thus, that is why I think i should go with the lowest FU count possible while keeping the natural look.



I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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You have been given some excellent information from our community members.


The illusion of hair density is determined by a number of factors including the number of follicular unit grafts per square centimeter, the number of hairs per follicular unit graft, and hair characteristics (shaft thickness, and color).


To create an adequate illusion of hair density, typically 50% of the natural hair density must be achieved - though depending on hair characteristics, it could be less.


The artistic design of the hairline of course, is also key in performing a natural hair transplant.


I hope this helps.



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Many physicians can dense pack. But some patients are not candidates for ultra dense packing. You cannot dense pack or promise thick results for all patients - some guys have a limited donor area and/or too much hair loss to cover. For these patients, donor resources need to be allocated differently. Just something to keep in mind...

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • Senior Member

Judging just from your photo I would say 2000-2500 grafts maximum.


That should give a nice density boost and still allow you to retain your existing native hair.


Anymore and it is overkill, any less and it is probably not worth it.


I think RP1979 had similar issues, same hair characteristics, etc... do a search on him and check him out.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • Senior Member

Thank you all for the helpful advice so far, but I still need more info on the density.


Basically, my donor density is about 80 FU/cm2 (that is what the surgeon who examined me in person told me, as well as some doctors who look at the pictures). Some doctors are suggesting 40 FU/cm2 at the hairline, and then a bit lower on the top, while others are suggesting 75 FU/cm2. Based on what i have read so far, the logical density should be 50% of my donor density, which is 40 FU/cm2? Beside i don't see the point of having a higher density, when the appearance of fullness can be achieved with 50% of the regular density...because after all, we all have a limited donor area.




I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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