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Bosley Seattle

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Welcome to our community.


You might want to have a look at this thread which has generated a discussion about Bosley, etc.




Generally speaking, Bosley is not looked upon favorably, simply because so many patients have posted BAD experiences over the years.


BUT...I like how you asked your question. Obviously you see the importance of not just evaluating the company, but particular doctors as well.


I have no information on Dr. James Aachen-Winans, but I recommend you use the "find" feature of our community and see what you find.


Personally, I'd stick with a doctor who has public information (mostly if not all positive) documented in this and other online communities. No information found can be risky, and negative information is self-explanatory.



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Anyway, I had a HT (2300 grafts) with him last week...before I found this forum, so I was hoping I wouldn't find out anything bad or any horror stories with this particular doctor. I hadn't found anything negative in research prior to my surgery.

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Ah yes, I do remember this guy now. Actually I believe I saw him on the Big Idea or some other variation.


Do you have any pictures you can post of your before and immediately post op condition? We do hope you'll share your experience and photos with us by creating a weblog: http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/


I think everything is a matter of perspective when it comes to results. That being said, please don't take anything I say below personally, but I believe in being honest with the heart to educate people in the process. That being said, I'm not trying to discourage you.


The good news is, I am not aware of any horror stories with this doctor. More good news, Seth's overall results are improved from his pre-operative condition.


Going back to perspective...I'd say this:


If someone doesn't know anything about hair restoration surgery and sees Seth for the first time looking at before/after pictures, the response might be something like "My God, he has more hair...I want that".


But when comparing his results to the results of world class doctors and clinics like our coalition doctors, the response might just be a bit different.


Based on my experience and what I've seen over the last 3 years, here's my evaluation of Seth's results...


Though it's obvious he has more hair than he started out with, there isn't a lot of change. Cleary there is some difference, but if anything, the transplanted hair looks sparse, grafts spread thin, etc. This is not an ultra-refined densely packed result, which he is more than likely a candidate for.


I believe that if Seth underwent hair transplantation surgery with one of our coalition doctors, he would have had ultra-refined results - a larger amount of grafts implanted, densely packed together to create more of a fullness and overall density.


Now this doesn't mean that Seth looks bad, and it doesn't mean that you will either - but in terms of what's available today, Seth's surgical procedure is far from impressive.


Compare Seth's results for example with some of the videos found on the front page of www.hassonandwong.com and I think you'll see what I mean.


I don't intend to discourage you...but I think you deserve to know that there is much better out there. In the event that you need/want subsequent procedures to improve your appearance, you can always choose another doctor.





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I'm glad my post was helpful to you.


After viewing your pictures of the transplanted area, I'd say that 2300 grafts over such a large area will give you minimal density - though it certainly will at least put some hairs in all the balding areas (called coverage). Your transplant will be very thin and you will definitely need another one in order to achieve a denser look. Is this your game plan moving forward?


It may be the picture, but the scar looks a little low IMO. Typically the scar is just a few CM higher. Did your doctor give you a reason for the lower positioning of the scar?



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I also wondered about the scar and am wondering about the straight look to the hairline--possibly just the photos. The incisions do look small and relatively refined which is a good thing. I wish all the best with healing and hope that all goes well for you. Keep us posted as to how things turn out.





Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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He didn't say anything about the scar location. I just assumed it was low to leave room for further donor area for future procedures. He did tell me I would probably want at least two more. The hairline actually isn't really straight. It has crooked "in and out" areas. He told me this is to make it more natural looking since no hairlines are a perfect line. I'm using vitamin e on the scar now hoping it will help it heal nice and unnoticable. icon_biggrin.gif

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Keep in mind that subsequent procedures should not produce more than one scar. The standard and current trend is to remove the old scar with the new strip in order to continue to create one scar rather than multiple scars.


It appears to me that you have a lot to learn about hair transplantation. I do suggest you take some time to research so you understand what you went through and what you may go through again if you choose to have surgery again.



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