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Well I finally feel comfortable enough to go outside without a hat, but always have one with me. After three years.

I was doing the at home clipper thing for a while and wearing a cap.

My scalp is severly scarred from a bad doctor so I can't go too short. But I was repaired by a great doctor so other than scars and pain I'm o.k.

I'm seeing someone who thinks I should give up the Zack Wild hairstyle, shave the beard and get a haircut.

For once I am scared...

It's been at least a year since I have even trimed it.

Has anyone made this transition ?

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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  • Senior Member

Well I finally feel comfortable enough to go outside without a hat, but always have one with me. After three years.

I was doing the at home clipper thing for a while and wearing a cap.

My scalp is severly scarred from a bad doctor so I can't go too short. But I was repaired by a great doctor so other than scars and pain I'm o.k.

I'm seeing someone who thinks I should give up the Zack Wild hairstyle, shave the beard and get a haircut.

For once I am scared...

It's been at least a year since I have even trimed it.

Has anyone made this transition ?

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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Well the good news is...


You have hair now so you have options. More good news is...if you don't like the haircut you get, you can grow it back. My advice is think about what hairstyle you think you'd like and try it out. Worst case scenerio, you wear a hat for awhile until it grows back in.


Personally, I wouldn't go too short if you are afraid to reveal the scar.



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Thanks Bill ;

You are true. My hair is shoulder length so I guess I'm just freaking out.

My latest doesn't know about the debocale but did feel the scar.

She said the same thing but man I just don't want to go a year or even go back to a hat.

Once again thanks my brother.

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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3.5 months prior surgery I stopped buzzing my hair and let it grew. I'm 1 month post op now and so haven't cut my hair for over 4 full months. This is what I asked my barber to do which worked. I asked him to trim my hair with a guard 4 then asked him to blend and touch things up with normal scissor and the thinning scissor (don't how you call those), whereby the barber has more control. Try to find a barber who is good with scissors. Also I trimmed my beard to a goatee. The look kinda works for me.


Anyways, I can't believe it... I am so dumb I just got the connect of your screen to the musical HAIR!! I love that musical!!

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Unrelated to the topic, but I am sorry I posted rudely to you before. I didnt know you had gone through so much. I guess, its enough to turn anyone bitter.

I hope you get rid of that hat for good and lead a great life.

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Hey Aquarius


If you cut it short and the scar showed you could use some Dermatch to cover it up until it grew back. I did thing after my 2nd HT when the barber cut it too short in the donor area.



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Ask the opinion of the person you're seeing as to what might look good in a hairstyle. It seems most of us are more critical of our own appearance than others are, & sometimes we focus in on small details about ourself that others don't see/don't really care about.


Good luck with whatever decision you make.

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Thanks everyone -

Jolly. My apology to you . I speak before I think at times.

Well anyway I chickened out. I was in the stylists chair after my g/f and I had decided on the "Gorden Lightfoot" and at the last second I freaked out.

Something about the steel coming at my mini grafted head made me bolt.

Yea, it's camoflaged now by a coalition doc , but the thought of those mini mikes becoming visible sucks.

She thinks I have too much hair.

I am still in the closet on this issue ( H/T). Perhaps if I come clean she can help me with the dermatch if the hair cut is a screw up.

In the mean time. I think Zack Wild is cool. At least for now.

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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Aquarius, I now understand the tone of your posts in the past is due to your previous experiences.

I am sorry to hear you went through that crap.


And now I see you on here trying to help steer unknowing youngsters away from the disaters you suffered with your quirky brand of humor.

( which I am warming up to ) icon_smile.gif


I think you are knowledgable & wiser through your expoerience & have a lot to offer.


Id love to see a pic of the Zack Wild doo!

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Funny - Because I was out a a family get together and my nefew ran up and pulled at my beard. I told him I'll pull your hair out and he ran away giggling.

My sister came over and said he is fasinated by you and what's with the Zack Wild thing.

I guess once you are "undetectable" you never want to be there again.

On the other hand if I said I had a transplant it would be misleading because I was a N/W 2 + 5,000 grafts.Over three years.


For you folica


A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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The stylist wanted to do a before and after but I was in a mood. My new g/f knows about computers and such,she has an Ipod so I imagine the know how and a digital camera is there (hopefully a few bucks as well). : )-

I won't cut before.

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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Zack Wild can really jam a guitar.


More than one of my friends said he is pud tho'


Anyone want to check out his stuff listen to Ozzy during the past 5 years or go buy the Black Label Society CD--- it does rock hard!!!


Anyway, hope things work out for you Aq--- no one deserves to live their life under a hat.


Later Bud,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Originally posted by Aquarius:


On the other hand if I said I had a transplant it would be misleading because I was a N/W 2 + 5,000 grafts.Over three years.



You were a NW 2 and had 5000 grafts?! What are you complaining about?

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Jolly -

The fact that I was hyper about my hair and the first doc did crappy mini-grafts throughout my scalp with beer goggles on. It caused much more harm than good. This is part that some guys don't understand. A n/w 2 + 2,500 = a scarred up n/w 4.Not a WOW by any means.

The other 2,500 was to compensate for some of the permenent loss from the first and camoflage the far from natural appearance i was left with.

After 3 years of struggle I look worse than when I started and can't even bring myself to cut the length for fear of being outed.

No complaints here.

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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