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DR FELLER UK PATIENT /RICHIE48/2100 CROWN GRAFTS /6 MONTH UPDATE PICS ,enjoying the fruits of Dr Feelgoods talent .

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Hey guys


Most of you regulars know I had 2100 crown grafts with Dr Feller in November 2007 and I've just hit the 6 month mark , things are getting better by the day .


Still not perfect and in the harsh sun my scalp is still visible , these shots are honest and outside in the sun , man the sunny shots really suck hahahahahah .


I know I'm right were I should be in terms of 6 month progress and I've even had guys at work commenting how healthy I look hahahahah , healthy !!! ...... If only they knew hahaha


From anyview , but right on top , my hair looks thick and in good condition , this is a good cosmetic improvement and adds to the illusion of density that forum members talk about , even at for only 6 months I'm well happy .


Immediatly post and pre surgery.



Below are before june 2007 and 6 months after my surgery may 2008.



Scar after 28 days and now , this shot also shows how good the cosmetic improvement from eye level is .



Wet in june 2007 and now may 2008 , my hair is shorter , but you can clearly see my thin crowns starting to "shrink" .



And the money shot , close up , outside in the sun .



I have tried to be as honest with these shots as possible , taking pics in the sun really sucks , but these forums and the infomation given upon them should be an honest and accurate account in order to reflect the reality of any hair surgery.


Thanks guys


2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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  • Senior Member

Hey guys


Most of you regulars know I had 2100 crown grafts with Dr Feller in November 2007 and I've just hit the 6 month mark , things are getting better by the day .


Still not perfect and in the harsh sun my scalp is still visible , these shots are honest and outside in the sun , man the sunny shots really suck hahahahahah .


I know I'm right were I should be in terms of 6 month progress and I've even had guys at work commenting how healthy I look hahahahah , healthy !!! ...... If only they knew hahaha


From anyview , but right on top , my hair looks thick and in good condition , this is a good cosmetic improvement and adds to the illusion of density that forum members talk about , even at for only 6 months I'm well happy .


Immediatly post and pre surgery.



Below are before june 2007 and 6 months after my surgery may 2008.



Scar after 28 days and now , this shot also shows how good the cosmetic improvement from eye level is .



Wet in june 2007 and now may 2008 , my hair is shorter , but you can clearly see my thin crowns starting to "shrink" .



And the money shot , close up , outside in the sun .



I have tried to be as honest with these shots as possible , taking pics in the sun really sucks , but these forums and the infomation given upon them should be an honest and accurate account in order to reflect the reality of any hair surgery.


Thanks guys


2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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Hey thanks spex


I was asked on another site about how ravaged my hair was over the top of my head so i have produced some pics to show just how diffusely thin I was .



below I've supplied 3 pics


june 06 before meds ............. nov 07 before surgery 16 months on meds ............. and may08 ,6 months after 2100 crown grafts




and these pics from the front , not perfect pics however you can clearly see how thin the top of my hair looks , hahahaha my girl looks like that in real life , she just hit me for saying that hahaha bless




I was a real good responder to the meds , look how thick my hair looks in the nov07 pic just before i had surgery , this is after almost 18 months on meds , it is deffinatly worth giving them a try , if you are unfortuniate to suffer sides , any issues will return to normal after a week or two off them , deffo worth trying , I have seen better results from diffuse thinners from meds , based upon my research online .



2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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Richie, thanks for the honest pics a big improvement already.I am quite amazed how well you have responded to meds are you on propecia or avodart?


Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Hey garage


Glad your own ht experience with Dr Hasson went well .


I take 1.25mgs of proscar per day with holland and barrett hair and nail formula , this is just a vitamin suppliment which grows hair real quick hahaahhaha


I don't drink alchohol or smoke mucky tabs , I do drink lots of water constantly abit and allday , habit and health reasons .


I have never suffered any side effects , my doctor and my brother are also on 1.25mgs of proscar daily and have never suffered sides also , my doctor , who supplies me with it ,has taken proscar for over 8 years .


good luck brother



2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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Coming along nicely Richie. Propecia has worked amazingly well for you. It's odd that its seems to have worked the exact opposite for you as it does for most. Seems that most experience regrowth or stabilize loss in the crown and don't see much results in the front 1/3. Hope you have some great growth over the next few months.

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thanks flyby


yes i ahve ajd a good result at the front , i do try to tell people that often as the general consensus seems to be that it doesn't work for the front third , in reality propecia was only tested on the crown in clinical trails so the manufacturers could only state that it works for the crown .


i am a clear example that propecia can , with some people work at the front .


thanks bud


2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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It's posts like yours that prove to be a real asset to prospective patients. The result does indeed look excellent. At 6 months, the spot is gone and will recede (oops..scary word) over time. Crown growth can be slow (I now mine has lagged behind the rest of my head) so I think you should be real encouraged at this point.


"Temples 'n Crowns Forever"


Uncjim's Hair Loss WebLog



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Thanks uncjim


Thats a really kind thing to say , I try to be as honest as I can be with my pics and as informative as I can be with my help and advice ,I'm happy with my progress so far and I do have a really good cosmetic improvement already , even had a few comments , things like you look well hahahahah if only they knew .


The spot is still thin but getting better day by day , I also hope people will take my lead and post good honest outside pics in the sun , I have noticed recently more and more people are taking them type of pictures , and thats a good thing , and your right it only goes to help others gain good honest infomation to help make educated and informed desisions .


I'm hear to help and educate though my own experiences and we even arrange meets in the UK for veterans and newbies to see results in real life situations .


here is a link to the last one we did in Manchester UK




Thanks for the compliment bud


2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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