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Donor Area Shock Loss?


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I have some decent shock loss in my donor area from my HT. I'm wondering how high the percentages are that I'll get all that hair back? Pre op, my donor area way super thick, probably a 9.5 or 9... maybe even a 10 on the donor scale. Trust me, it was thick. And as far as family history it should stay thick for good. So there's no reason why I shouldn't get it back right? The only reason I say this is because I'm 7 months post op and there's still extensive shock loss. Is 7 months enough time to tell what may be going on? Or can shock loss come back at the 12 month mark? Any and all help would be appreciated.



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I have some decent shock loss in my donor area from my HT. I'm wondering how high the percentages are that I'll get all that hair back? Pre op, my donor area way super thick, probably a 9.5 or 9... maybe even a 10 on the donor scale. Trust me, it was thick. And as far as family history it should stay thick for good. So there's no reason why I shouldn't get it back right? The only reason I say this is because I'm 7 months post op and there's still extensive shock loss. Is 7 months enough time to tell what may be going on? Or can shock loss come back at the 12 month mark? Any and all help would be appreciated.



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I had some shock loss, but it was earlier on than what you are reporting. The good news is that it all grew back.


Though 7 months is a little late in the game to still have shock loss, your system may be taking a little longer to recuperate from the trauma. I think that it is early enough in the time scale to speculate that the loss you have experienced to be temporary.


Has the hair started to grow back at all? Have you considered utilizing minoxidil (a growth stimulant) temporarily to aid in regrowth? Have you emailed or telephoned your physician to get his/her thoughts?





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I just had a HT a month ago, and I am experiening hair loss in the donor area. It seems like it just sheds near the donor area. Will this go on forever? It is a scary thought, because like danger, I've had thick donor area hair before the HT, and hope it comes back also. =( I have been using propecia since the HT. I just pray that it won't be permanent loss at the back of my head, I don't want to be bald there.

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Yah, it's strange because one side of my head where the donor strip was taken out is thick and full like it was pre op. And hides the scar perfectly. And the other is thinner now since the surgery and the scar shows up pretty good through the thin hair. I'm wondering that if my one side is thick and full... won't the shock loss return on the thin side? How high are the chances of me getting that hair back? Keep in mind I am 7 months post op.



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If you believe that you can keep up the regimen of applying minoxidil once or twice a day to the donor area, then it certainly couldnt hurt. Barring any side effects, Propecia is always a good idea.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Is there cases of shock loss occuring in permanant hair areas that do not ever grow back? As far as I know, if shock loss happens in an area that is considered permanant and should always be there, it will most always grow back. Am I wrong in this assumption?



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Hi Danger,


I'm in your shoes right now a little bit. I'm only 1 month post op from my second HT and have noticed a little bit of shock loss around the scar, mostly the left side of my head. I have not experienced this before, so I'm awaiting like you to see what happens, however, all reports I've seen posted with donor shockloss, all hair has grown back. You may want to check with your doc as a follow up just to be sure.



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Originally posted by danger:

Is there cases of shock loss occuring in permanant hair areas that do not ever grow back? As far as I know, if shock loss happens in an area that is considered permanant and should always be there, it will most always grow back. Am I wrong in this assumption?




By "permanent hair areas" I assume you are referring to the donor area and/or any area that is not usually susceptable to loss from male-pattern baldness? If this is what you are asking, I wouldn't think that it is impossible, though it is certainly improbable. The trauma to the area would have to be quite extreme to account for permanent hair loss.


Danger, have you posted any photos of your scar? I apologize in advance if you have and I have not seen them or if you have been asked before and have given a reason why you have not posted them. You seem to be very concerned over this loss and I think that posting some photos to let others weigh in with their opinions may be productive for you.


Let me know if you need assistance.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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