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New guy. Many questions?

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Hi guys,


i am a 31 year old Australian male who has decided to try and do something about the onset of male pattern baldness. I first went to Advanced Hair studios and after a little research i have decided that the general consensus is that laser therapy does not work.


I have been looking at seeing a GP to discuss the idea of using a few drugs I have been reading about and would appreciate any feedback from you gentleman.


i am considering trying the following






Has anyone had any experience with these drugs? What were your thoughts?


Also how do i get my hands on them in Australia?


Are there any respected brands? or brands to avoid?


What sort of dosage would you recommend?


Are there any side effects?


That should cover it for now. i really appreciate any feedback and have a lot more research to do.





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Hi guys,


i am a 31 year old Australian male who has decided to try and do something about the onset of male pattern baldness. I first went to Advanced Hair studios and after a little research i have decided that the general consensus is that laser therapy does not work.


I have been looking at seeing a GP to discuss the idea of using a few drugs I have been reading about and would appreciate any feedback from you gentleman.


i am considering trying the following






Has anyone had any experience with these drugs? What were your thoughts?


Also how do i get my hands on them in Australia?


Are there any respected brands? or brands to avoid?


What sort of dosage would you recommend?


Are there any side effects?


That should cover it for now. i really appreciate any feedback and have a lot more research to do.





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  • Senior Member



Do a search on these meds on the site ( and the net). Realistically, they are the only 2 items proven to regrow hair and stop hairloss. Of course they will not give you your hair back as in High school.


good luck



1417 FUT - Dr. True

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My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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A combo of the two is probably your best option, although I do not know what degree you have. If it is bad, it may offer no benefit. If you go with propecia, ask your doc for proscar, buy a pill cutter, and quarter each pill. The initial cost will be greater, but when one pill equals four doses, it is a considerable savings, especially since you will be on it for the rest of your life.


I would go to webmd and that site gives detailed info about teh drugs.


I hope this helps.

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So I.ve been to the doctors and he has prescribed my a 28 day course of Propecia. He also reccommended using it without the Rogaine to better gage its effectiveness. I am considering using the two together, howver it is much more expensive in Australia,


28 pills = 85$


10 years out


If i quarter the pills would it not stand to reason that they would be 75% less effective? Thanks for your comments, I appreciate it. I would love to know your reasoning behind it? Besides the obvious cost reduction.


Thanks for posting guys!

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Welcome to our community.


Using a Finasteride and Minoxodil combo treatment is your best bet to fight against hair loss.


REgarding price, there are a few things you can do to cut costs:


1. Get a prescription for Proscar instead of Propecia and split the Proscar pill into quarters using a pill splitter. Proscar contains 5mg of finasteride instead of Propecia's 1mg.


2. Buy generics. Click here for a legitimate online source to buy generic finasteride.


Best wishes,



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Funny, no one mentioned the possible side effects of these drugs.


Do a search on the possible side effects of Propecia & minoxidil before you put them in your body!

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  • Senior Member

Folica is right


These meds may have possible side effects as anything you put in your body.. Talk to your doc about these..


You cansearch the net but then you may be overwhelemed by every Tom,Dick, & Harry that reports something ( Do a search for Diet Coke side effects and you will see what I mean)


Talk to a gerneral practitioner about it for some level headed advice



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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  • Regular Member
Originally posted by Mrjb:

Folica is right


These meds may have possible side effects as anything you put in your body.. Talk to your doc about these..


You cansearch the net but then you may be overwhelemed by every Tom,Dick, & Harry that reports something ( Do a search for Diet Coke side effects and you will see what I mean)


Talk to a gerneral practitioner about it for some level headed advice




I can say from the bottom of my heart that folica is knowledgeable and I like his input.


Folica has helped me and has nothing but good intentions.


So I ask you again. WHy are you mocking folica?



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Powerranger, thanks for that I do appreciate it! icon_smile.gif


I thought he was agreeing with me?


jobi, are you mocking me son? icon_razz.gif


It's ok if he is mocking me, though I don't

think he was.

Mrjb has made his point about the side effects of basically life. And that is true!


Which side effects you choose to endure or risk when eating, drinking , smoking, taking drugs including prescription drugs is everyones choice.


You should just know that there are risk of certain side effects from drugs that you may not wish to endure for the sake of hair.


Just as you would know smoking has risky side effects but the desire to smoke outweighs the risk for some people.


I'm just another voice.

People should make thier own choice...

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Thankyou all fro the replys. i have lloked in the side effects and spoken to a doctor about it. Luckily i have a high libido and will be keeping an eye on it.


Thankyou also for the list of generic substitutes i will definaetly look into that.


I'm not sure if I can purchase these meds online and have them sent to Australia as they are presrciption medication may not make it through customs. Does anyone have any experience with this?


Nlot too sure about seeing a specialist here as as far as i have discerned the aforementioned drugs are the only drugs that are medically proven.


Thanks again guys!

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Aaron, Keep in mind these are not miracle drugs & may not even work for you.


There are many here that use these drugs & have no idea if they are effective in helping them keep thier hair & notice no significant growth.


The best route is a Hair transplant by a top surgeon.


Good Luck!

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  • Senior Member

Um... did I miss something? I didn't see anyone mocking folica.


Also, please note that this post is in no way intended to mock folica. =)



I don't work for a doctor.

Got 2700 fu from Ron Shapiro, 11-30-7

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Guest josh - b


i live in sydney and ordered generic finasteride online a few months ago. It arrived within a few days with a note that it had been opened and checked by customs. So dont worry about that.

Also the link Bill gave for generic finasteride is for finpecia which is made by an indian company called cipla and contains the recommended 1 mg dosage. They also do a 5 mg finasteride drug called fincar. Order this and cut into thirds or quarters and you end up getting it very very cheaply.

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