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Best way to remove oil scabs?

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Hi Guys,


I'm 2 weeks post op and just removed my sutures today.


I have a lot of scabs from using vitamin oil and wanted to know best time and method to remove them.


Should I soak em in warm water for period of time and use fingerprint massage to remove them?


I'm little hestiant to touch my recipent area.


Another thing - The scabs that I'm refering to is caused by vitamin oil and not the actual post op scabs. I am not sure if there is difference between the two.

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Hi Guys,


I'm 2 weeks post op and just removed my sutures today.


I have a lot of scabs from using vitamin oil and wanted to know best time and method to remove them.


Should I soak em in warm water for period of time and use fingerprint massage to remove them?


I'm little hestiant to touch my recipent area.


Another thing - The scabs that I'm refering to is caused by vitamin oil and not the actual post op scabs. I am not sure if there is difference between the two.

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  • Senior Member

The scabs should be on their way out pretty soon.I too was hesitant to touch my scalp and i think that was part of the reason why i still had scabs at 2 weeks post-op. I continued to apply mineral oil liberally at night to help the crusting resolve in place and every evening i soaked my head in a warm

bath for 30 min and followed that up with a shower

where i GENTLY worked of the crusting by rubbing in a circular motion.

Don't force anything and no fingernails please!

- badger

3279 grafts with Dr Gabel - 06/12/08


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Gabel

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  • Senior Member

DONT physically remove them. Keep them moist--maybe switch from Oil to Saline and they will eventually come off on their own (probably while shampooing gently)




Propecia/Rogaine xtra

MSM/Saw Palmetto

Nioxin Shampoo

Zrii 3oz daily

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