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worried about a few things....

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  • Senior Member

Hi guys

Im about 4 1/2 months post op, and im starting to get worried. I had 500 grafts total placed into my temple regions(about 250 in each). So far more grafts have sprouted on the right side with decent coverage and it seems to blend pretty well. The left side on the other hand has me worried. The left side so far does not have the same coverage and same amount of hairs grown in as the right side. It also doesnt blend in like the right side either. This has me concerend, although im only 4 1/2 months post op, i do relaize i may have more growing to be done. Should I be concerend about this? Is it normal for one side to grow in faster then the other? My second really big concern is that im still red in the recipient areas. Its not as bad on the right side i think becuase i have more coverage on that side. But on the left side it is definatly still noticable and attracts attention. Ive been using witch hazel at night but doesnt seem to help much. Luckly I have my hair grown out enough that i can hide it. Im really worried about this though, I see my doctor on january 5 for a 6 month review. Has anyone heard of redness lingering for this long? Is there anything i can do? In the worst case scenario and it still continues to linger is there anything a dermatologist can do? thanks for your time i would really appreciate any replys.

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  • Senior Member

Hi guys

Im about 4 1/2 months post op, and im starting to get worried. I had 500 grafts total placed into my temple regions(about 250 in each). So far more grafts have sprouted on the right side with decent coverage and it seems to blend pretty well. The left side on the other hand has me worried. The left side so far does not have the same coverage and same amount of hairs grown in as the right side. It also doesnt blend in like the right side either. This has me concerend, although im only 4 1/2 months post op, i do relaize i may have more growing to be done. Should I be concerend about this? Is it normal for one side to grow in faster then the other? My second really big concern is that im still red in the recipient areas. Its not as bad on the right side i think becuase i have more coverage on that side. But on the left side it is definatly still noticable and attracts attention. Ive been using witch hazel at night but doesnt seem to help much. Luckly I have my hair grown out enough that i can hide it. Im really worried about this though, I see my doctor on january 5 for a 6 month review. Has anyone heard of redness lingering for this long? Is there anything i can do? In the worst case scenario and it still continues to linger is there anything a dermatologist can do? thanks for your time i would really appreciate any replys.

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Mr Invisible,


While one side growing out more than the other at 4.5 months does not surprise me, having noticable reddness at 4.5 months does.


Also doing only 500 grafts makes me wonder about your surgeon. Frankly 500 grafts is dabbling in my opinion. And hair transplantation should not be dabbled in.


If you needed hair transplants you would have needed more than 500. And if you only "needed" 500 grafts then you really didn't need any at all.


Who was your surgeon?

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  • Regular Member

Try using a steroid based lotion for the recipient area redness after consulting your doctor.

I have heard of redness lingering in some people. Post operative sunexposure may be a cause.

Whatever the cause, I have not heard of the redness being permanent.


Whysoever did you go for only 500 grafts?

7500 grafts till now. All by Dr. Arvind/Dr.A, New Delhi.

They include strip FUHT, FUE and body hair grafts.

Hoping to accomplish full hair restoration.

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