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Rating surgeons on different procedures


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  • Senior Member

Has anyone out there ever made up a list of surgeons that specialize in certain procedures? Or, which are considered the best at certain procedures? While these surgeons are probably very good at doing the complete job, I'm sure that some are well-known for certain things.


For example, I've read on this forum that Ron Shapiro is considered the best for hairline work. Or, that Hassan and Wong are best for crown work.


I think a list like this would help some people decide on which surgeons to interview depending on the procedures they desire.


Anyone have any opinions on this?

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  • Senior Member

Has anyone out there ever made up a list of surgeons that specialize in certain procedures? Or, which are considered the best at certain procedures? While these surgeons are probably very good at doing the complete job, I'm sure that some are well-known for certain things.


For example, I've read on this forum that Ron Shapiro is considered the best for hairline work. Or, that Hassan and Wong are best for crown work.


I think a list like this would help some people decide on which surgeons to interview depending on the procedures they desire.


Anyone have any opinions on this?

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  • Senior Member

Kamin, you have asked a very astute question! However, attempting to "rate" or "rank" surgeons individually would be counterproductive to the very premise of this forum. Sure, we all have our perceptions and beliefs, but I firmly beleive that ANY of the surgeons in the Coalition can perform ultra-refined follicular grafting and satisfy their patient. What you are asking is next to impossible simply because each person has a perspective or idea of what they are looking for: #1 results, and #2 in a doctor. For example, I personally hold that Dr. Shapiro designs the best hairlines, which is why I went to him after 2 years of research. This is my PERSONAL opinion, based on my observations and desires. Others feel that H&W are the standard right now, and yet others toss various doctors into the mix as well. What matters is the INDIVIDUAL, PERIOD. If your chosen doctor meets or exceeds your expectations, then he or she has done their job, end of story. I know after viewing countless photos and talking to people, and just "being around" that most people marvel at the naturalness of Shapiros hairlines, marvel at the one-pass density achieved by Dr. Hasson, and marvel at the crown work of Dr. Wong. Please understand, this does not mean that each of these doctors are better or worse, because that would be unfair criticism, and the hairlines and crown work of each of the doctors named above are superior, in every case, as we have seen countless times. What we need to understand is that there are doctors who hold slightly different philosophies, which come out in the treatment programs they design for individuals.

Overall, I think the Coalition does a great job by offering you 20 or so doctors whose offices, surgical methods, results, and follow ups have been carefully scutinized BEFORE you (the moderately knowledgeable consumer) traipse in to get a HT. After that it is up to the individual to do extensive research and consultations before pulling the trigger. That is why it is paramount that members of this forum continue to support one another, and post their results or concerns, so that we can keep up to date on the the latest and greatest innovations, and decide what to do from there. Remember, all of this is in OUR hands, the choice is ours alone to make.

I hope this helps you out, Kamin, and I hope others ring in with their opinion as well.

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by bezane:

Dr. Keene looks best in a dress. Heard Shapiro's legs are kind of mediocre.


For a minute, I was wondering about you, bezane. I forgot that Dr. Keene was a woman! icon_smile.gif

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