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I would just like to know if any one has any real knowledge bout lazers? I think that the lazers used on me may have destroyed the tiny blood vessels in my scalp... If anyone has read my post mystery then you'll know what I'm talking about, how else can some one who had pleanty of hair one day go under a lazer about loose it the next?


Every thing I read about the lazers is sayin that not all the effects of them are known and why they work diffrently on some as to others? I mean really, this is very frustrating for me. I'm looking for answers but I just seem to keep going round in circles...


I would really appreciate some good advice, this whole experience has been devistating to me, I'm not asking for phsycatric help just answers, why?


thanks in advanced... Fabio

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  • Regular Member

I would just like to know if any one has any real knowledge bout lazers? I think that the lazers used on me may have destroyed the tiny blood vessels in my scalp... If anyone has read my post mystery then you'll know what I'm talking about, how else can some one who had pleanty of hair one day go under a lazer about loose it the next?


Every thing I read about the lazers is sayin that not all the effects of them are known and why they work diffrently on some as to others? I mean really, this is very frustrating for me. I'm looking for answers but I just seem to keep going round in circles...


I would really appreciate some good advice, this whole experience has been devistating to me, I'm not asking for phsycatric help just answers, why?


thanks in advanced... Fabio

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  • Regular Member

Sorry I know that my spelling and my grammer is not the best how ever that's pretty bad I meant to say in the first paragraph "How can some one who has pleanty of hair one day go under a lazer the next, and loose it?"


Forgive me I'm tired and pretty stressed at the moment... thanks

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I had a HT where for some part a laser was used to shoot the recipient holes.

The laser was only used in areas where there was complete baldness. A hollow needle was used for the areas where there still was some hair left.


I can only comment from my experience.

The area where the laser was used had very rapid regrowth, much faster (about a month) that areas that where not done by laser.


There was no redness or any other side effect caused by the use of the laser.

Consultant-co owner Prohairclinic (FUE only) in Belgium, Dr. De Reys.


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Let me start by stating that I do not think that using lasers for hair transplantation provides advantages and may have inherent disadvantages.


I have worked with lasers since 1988 and believe that they can be very useful for other types of surgical procedures


The original laser used in hair transplantation was the CO2 laser. This is a nonspecific laser that simply absorbs water. In the process it creates a great deal of thermal damage. The supposed advantage was that there would be little or no bleeding. Although the laser can limit bleeding, the heat generated would cause too much damage to surrounding hairs. Therefore it would not be sensible to use it in the donor area. Similarly it would not be reasonable to use it in an area of significant hair in the recipient area.Lastly the amount of bleeding in a hair transplant, performed the way we do it, bleeding is minimal.


After the CO2 laser people tried the erbium laser with a sapphire tip. Like the CO2 laser this laser is nonspecific and absorbs water. It produces far less heat but still can cause a signifciant zone of thermal damage.There would remain the problem of working in between hairs in the donor area and because this laser does not coagulate bleeding to the extent of the CO2 laser there would be no advantage using it for harvesting. Again in the recipient area there would still be difficulty in making sites (though it would be to a lesser extent than CO2) in between existing hairs.A study performed by the doctor who promoted this laser found no advantage over the use of traditional methods.


Add to all this the laser plume (the gases and material vaporized from the laser), the risk of eye damage, the bulkiness of the laser and problems with manipulation and you are left with little if any reason to consider the laser except as a marketing ploy. Of all the hair restoration surgeons that I communicate with I know of none that use a laser for hair restoration except when involved in studies for companies trying to engineer a laser that might work for the task.


Also do not confuse these lasers with low level lasers that are non invasive. Some of these lasers are being touted to help hair loss. We are awaiting the studies to see if this pans out.


Insofar as hair loss after the laser procedure. this may be simple shock loss in which case most of the hairs should grow back. It may also be that some hairs were damaged by the laser.

Paul T. Rose, MD, JD

President ISHRS

Board of Trustees ISCLS


Dr. Paul Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Also do not confuse these lasers with low level lasers that are non invasive. Some of these lasers are being touted to help hair loss. We are awaiting the studies to see if this pans out.

There are several hair transplant clinics that have already been aggressively marketing these expensive laser treatments to patients. If there is no clear evidence that shows that low-level lasers help with hair loss, why have some doctors already been selling the treatment? These clinics are charging patients several thousands of dollars to expose their scalps to a low level laser, for a period of only a few minutes, spread out over weeks and months.


Shouldn't these doctors wait to see that there is some proven benefits to patients, or which patients will benefit and which will not, and that type of thing?


What should come first, the proof of concept, or the marketable product?


I am talking about allegedly reputable doctors who have been selling this unproven treatment, with an expensive pricetag.

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Thanks to all for the feed back, I'm currently in Croatia visting family so I havent had the time to get on to the net till now...


In relation to ProseMD's post I guess that since I never had a transplant, the lazers that were used on me were low level, at least they say so, and if there is not enough research on the effects of this then should they really be using them on the genral public?


Look at me for example, I had heaps of Hair. they advertise it to be a great preventitve to hair loss, they also told me there were no side effects and the worst that could happen is that I may experince is little or no regrowth. Which was perfect for me at least if I did this then I tried, all at the cost of a mere $3800.00?


ProseMD you have a very broad and comprehensive knowledge about lazers, so I have a question for you... I lost my hair about 4 to 5 months ago from lazer therapy from advanced hair in Sydney, is it shock loss? will it grow back? there are no signs of any new hair at all, my scalp is still tender and saw in spots and the remaning hair is growing but its not strong and healthy like it use to be...


Well so far my doctor can't help me the hair specialist's I've been to have very little knowledge about them and dont advise to use them either but since I have used it and this is the result that no one seems to know about what should I do? can you help me?...


Thanks ProsMD and everyone else who responded...



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