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"Do you believe in Ht after HT"?& sudden shedding

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Hello I had had a HT with Hair Loss treatment Center, Mi in feb. A total Disaster.I mean atleast nothing bizzare happened other than that I lost my donor hair, hair on top (heavy shock loss) and my money.


Q1. Will I be able to have another surgery in the same area (need hair on top)?


Q2. I am on propecia for about 7 months now, I thought my hair loss was stabilized, but now suddenly I noticed a lot of shedding .Does this mean that propecia does nothing to me or why is this sudden wave of shedding ?


Please help me !!!

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  • Regular Member

Hello I had had a HT with Hair Loss treatment Center, Mi in feb. A total Disaster.I mean atleast nothing bizzare happened other than that I lost my donor hair, hair on top (heavy shock loss) and my money.


Q1. Will I be able to have another surgery in the same area (need hair on top)?


Q2. I am on propecia for about 7 months now, I thought my hair loss was stabilized, but now suddenly I noticed a lot of shedding .Does this mean that propecia does nothing to me or why is this sudden wave of shedding ?


Please help me !!!

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  • Senior Member

Holy crap. Sorry about the HT.

There IS supposed to be loss of hair involved after the HT. Shock loss of original hair which may or may not all return, and loss of the actual transplanted hairs. It can take quite a while for it all to grow back in.


Propecia, in its early stages of 'effectiveness' is also said to cause some shedding, which should subside.


But all this should happen in the first few months, not 7 or more. Maybe (hopefully) you're just coming along slower than average. Some people do, and it just sounds like you may be taking an extra 'cycle' or so for the hair to grow in/recover. I really hope so. Best of luck.


Edit: Just realized I'm not a physician. icon_eek.gif

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  • Senior Member

If you have donor hair, you can get another HT. Most top notch surgeons would suggest to wait 12 months however to allow proper scalp healing donor healing, and regrowth to occur which can take up to 16-18 months for 100%.


At this point, 7 months, I would continue the propecia and start conducting scalp excercises in the back donor to loosen the scalp -- do this 15 min every day up until your next HT.


If you've had only 1 HT, your probably can do another (many have had as many as 8-9 HT over a period of time depending on donor availability)

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  • Regular Member

Thanks Smoothy,


I hope I have enough donor hair (seems like I have enough to me.)so that I can have a SUCCESSFUL HT.


Please let me know more details about scalp excercise. What kind of excercise are these ? any web links/ resource where i can get to know ?

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