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Should I go to Bosley?


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I need help to understand the process of getting a hair transplant. I am 30 years old and dumb because I cannot see why I just can't get it done at Bosley. They say on the commercial that they garantee the hairs will grow and they will transplant hairs for free if they don't grow. HELP!


I have begun my research and now i am confused.

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  • Regular Member

I need help to understand the process of getting a hair transplant. I am 30 years old and dumb because I cannot see why I just can't get it done at Bosley. They say on the commercial that they garantee the hairs will grow and they will transplant hairs for free if they don't grow. HELP!


I have begun my research and now i am confused.

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Originally posted by notafraid:

I need help to understand the process of getting a hair transplant. I am 30 years old and dumb because I cannot see why I just can't get it done at Bosley. They say on the commercial that they garantee the hairs will grow and they will transplant hairs for free if they don't grow. HELP!



1. It's a commercial. Don't believe everything you see and hear.


2. You only have a limited amount of hairs that you can ever have transplanted. If some don't grow, you may not have enough donor area left to transplant more for free or for money. You are then left with less thickness than you should have had.


3. If they transplant 4000 grafts and 1000 don't grow, do you really want to risk another session with the same doctors considering there is a limited amount of donor hair?


4. Moving hair from one place on your head to another is only one part of the process. The transplanted hair has to look natural, be placed at the right angles, correct density to mix in with surrounding hair, etc.


5. There is also the donor scar. Some doctors are better at leaving less of a scar.


6. Bosley is a chain. You never know who will actually be working on you. Hair Transplant chains generally get the beginner hair transplant doctors. It's like the minor leagues. If they were really good they would open their own practice and make a lot more money.


7. Watch out for being quoted a price that is lower than other places, but then during the procedure they tell you they will need to charge more for various reasons.


8. Go here:



Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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Now thats funny Aquarius! icon_smile.gif


FU's are a specailty to a few surgeons.

I don't think bosley does them.


There are so many options other than bosley.


Find a Dr. that belongs to this coalition, they have proven to render xlnt results consistently.

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Notafraid, to find a coalition Dr. Go to the top of the page and click on Hair transplant network. Then click on consult a physician, then click on find a physician.

I believe Dr. Harris is in Colorado but I haven't seen much of his work.


Take your time, you will be glad you did!

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Actually, I have seen much of his work... but not on this site. I did a google search on hair transplants and denver he came up on others sites. Now that you mentioned it, he is on the list here too. Why is their no one talking about him if he is listed on this site?


You know what? I am actually afraid now. My life sucks.

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Not Afraid


You are making this too difficult.. think of it this way.. If you want a good burger, you can go to burger king ( a chain) and MAYBE you will get a good burger, maybe not.. BUT it can only be so good, it's a chain who has any old joe making the food..

Now you go to a restaurant where it is privately owned. The owner or specialized chef makes the burgers and the place comes recommended (the coalition) The burger is really good and there is little risk because it is done by a chef (a person who is there all the time) who is known for his good burgers.. It's basically personalized service


Ok, maybe that's not a great example but it paints the picture..


This is your hair we are talking about. The coalition doc's consistently demonstrate solid results so if you have to travel to AZ or CA , it's worth it.. There is no sense in risking who does your surgery ..You have a finite donor supply, use it wisely. Look for the "recommendations" on here with documented results ( remember the burger example)


Do the research



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Ask away. The internet will teach you more about hair transplantation than some doctors even know.



And by the way, a lot of the respected HT doctors can actually be a good bit CHEAPER than a chain like Bosley.


When you look past the sales pitches and begin to really compare various clinics in terms of hairs-per-dollars, you find out that paying more money doesn't always give you the best results. (When I first started researching the HT process, this surprised me too. But it's true.)




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Notafraid, keep asking man. The more you ask the better for you, and the better for anyone who reads this thread later while doing their research. We're all happy to help.


There are a few things you'll run into in life that are simply true; ignoring them leads to regrets.

- Don't run with scissors.

- Don't call exes while intoxicated.

- Don't go to Bosley.

- Don't vote for Bush.


Also, don't let location dictate your decision. Would you rather spend $400 more on top of your $10k and get a good result, or save $400 and have to shell out thousands later for a repair surgery?

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notafraid, the more you know, the less afraid you will be.


I think Jobi's hamburger analogy is a good one.


Also, he mentioned going to Az or Ca.


there is an excellent surgeon in phoenix who is in the coaltion, check out Dr. Alexander.

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Is that guy for real? Just fell off the hair transplant turnip truck. Something weird about that one.


"Gee Willickers!!!! Why can't there just be a hair trans plant shop here in Mayberry. That way Aunt Bee could give me a lift on down."

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Is it just me or is Aquarius getting more stinking funny every post? That was hilarious!


Ok...now onto serious matters.




Welcome to the community. You have come to the right place for research.


By the way...Kudos to MrJB for the restaurant analogy.


Here is my advice...


1. Keep posting questions...by posting questions, you will learn what hair transplantation really is and why selecting a physician is KEY in order to ensure a successful hair transplant.


2. Don't jump into surgery...slow down and spend a few months researching. The last thing you want to do is jump into something and regret it later.


3. Use the "find" feature of this community and search for Bosley, so you can read what their patients have been saying. Look at the pictures and determine for yourself.


4. Then use the "find" feature of this forum and look up work by some of the coalition doctors and do some comparisons. By the way, here is a link to see the coalition doctors: http://www.hairlosslearningcenter.org/hair-loss-content...s/our_physicians.asp


5. Do NOT let location determine which surgeon you go to. Many people (including myself) have traveled across the globe to see an elite surgeon. The good news is, being in the US, you won't have to fly too far to get to one.


Hope we can continue to be of help to you.



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You guys don't understand guys like me. Ones who have hardly any computer skills. I am the only one in my group asking these questions for the research. I belong to a group of men that share ideas and go do things together. eight of us are thinking hardcore about transplant. I was the only one who said stop, let's look more than just go to Bosley. So I started here asking questions. And I have got some good things from here and now that I see someone who worked for Bosley I was asking him the questions. Now I see him posting somewher else. Thank you for your information.

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Please, please do more research...I've spent about 1 year on this forum before calling my doctor to schedule the surgery date. I too live in CA, and DROVE to Tucson, AZ when there's about 4 different Bosely clinics in CA, although I did have a consult with them and knew right away that they weren't the ones that I'd trust. All the consultants are just salesperson with a lab coats. I've been in sales for too long and can smell a salesman from a mile away. Maybe I'm in sales, my instincts just raises a red flag right away, when someone is trying to "pitch" me and "close" me the same day.


mjb...good analogy, but you forgot to add that Burger King actually charges more than the privately owned burger joint.

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You know i went to a consult ok. Yeah I did it I went to a consult with Fking Bosley and I now know what you are talking about. My buddies and I are not too thrilled with how they handled it. What is really fk'd up is that they promised they could deliver everything. We(my buddies ) and I are now on a quest to find the right clinic. and it will not be Bosley.

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We(my buddies ) and I are now on a quest to find the right clinic. and it will not be Bosley.


Good thing for you & your buddies that you are smart enough to have done your research.


Otherwise, There would have been 8 very unhappy guys with less $$$ to show for it.


notafraid, I like the fact that you guys have this "club" & you will have each others support & comparison.


They will be very happy if you keep at the research, narrow your search down to 2 or 3 coalition dotors then, take it to the guys for a vote!


Hey, Maybe you guys can get a group discount rate!!

It can't hurt to ask...


Keep us posted, this is an interesting idea of 8 guys seeking hairtransplants together.

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Though this particular thread I'm about to post has nothing to do with Bosley...I think it will help open your eyes.


A little history...


A gentleman came to this forum, similar to you asking questions about a particular clinic. Many of us, including myself, advised him NOT to go to a clinic just because it's convenient, but to do more research. I, and a couple others posted links to other threads where people took the risk and came out with poor results.


Now this gentleman is back 7 months later after he decided to take the risk despite our advice and has posted his pictures on the forum also on this thread.


I encourage you to read the entire thread.


Just for yourself as to whether or not you think he received a quality hair transplant.


Here is the link: http://hair-restoration-info.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/346...861/m/2031076772/p/1





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