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hey--about 2 weekS ago i started a cycle,1i took 1 shot of sustano 250,250ml and 3 d-bol(10mg)a day for 3 days and then i started noticing my hair falling out,i could run my fingers through it and get hairs everytime and i know it wasnt happening before this--i havent took anything else since and it is going on 2 weeks and i am losing alot of hair in the shower everyday still.I am freaking out bad and cant sleep at night for thinking about it,i have even had thoughts of suicide because of it--my queston is ,how long will this last?will it stop?i just cant believe that 1 shot and 9 d-bol could cause me to go bald.thanks for any replies

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hey--about 2 weekS ago i started a cycle,1i took 1 shot of sustano 250,250ml and 3 d-bol(10mg)a day for 3 days and then i started noticing my hair falling out,i could run my fingers through it and get hairs everytime and i know it wasnt happening before this--i havent took anything else since and it is going on 2 weeks and i am losing alot of hair in the shower everyday still.I am freaking out bad and cant sleep at night for thinking about it,i have even had thoughts of suicide because of it--my queston is ,how long will this last?will it stop?i just cant believe that 1 shot and 9 d-bol could cause me to go bald.thanks for any replies

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  • Senior Member

Certain people have argued that supplements like the ones you mentioned increases testosterone and thus increases DHT, which speeds up hairloss.


Try getting on finasteride, the FDA approved hairloss medication. See if that works for you.


How long have you been on anabolic steroids? Are you on it for a necessity i.e. competing in bodybuilding?

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HEY--i totally agree now--i will never touch the stuff again and i havent since the first shot,but my hair is still falling out ,thats why i was wondering if anybody knew if this will stop once this finally gets out of my system and if the hair that i am losing will grow back or not---thanks

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i am not familiar with the products you are talking about, but im assuming its some type of products you would purchase at GNC.


i agree with the other sayings that it would increase testosterone and possibly increase hairloss. some argue that it wouldnt affect it too much, not much studies have been made. i lost hair taking creatine.


im not sure but i would recommend possibly taking stuff that cleanse the system, i think you can purchase it at GNC also, but its expensive.


or possibly drink alot of water hoping it cleans it out the system. (since u said it last for 3-4 weeks, im not 100% sure, i just thought id throw my opinion)

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i just reread the post


if you were taking steroids, there have been proof that steroids do increase hairloss. i forgot where it was stated, i just know its been said many times

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yes it was steroids--and yes i am the dumbest person alive right now,i just took a shower and got another handfull of hair,does anyone know if this will stop or will it go on until im bald--as far as i know i was not losing anymore than the regular amount before this

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  • Senior Member

As you might know, d-bol is one of the stronger anabolics per milligram out there, commonly used to "kick start" gains, which could be the reason why you are experiencing such drastic hairloss. If you did only one shot and the 9 pills, then I wouldn't worry too much and the drastic hairloss will most likely stop once its effect are out of your system, granted I'm not a doctor.


Try not to loose too much sleep over this, buddy. It should pass.

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the d-bol should be out--but the test will stay for 3-4 weeks i think,at this rate i will be bald by then,does anyone know if a docyor could give me something ,a shot or whatever to counteract this or clear my blood--thanks

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If you are serious about that suicide comment then I would go see your doctor right away to number one help to explain what is going on with your hair loss and number 2 to ease your mind. That is a serious statement, hair loss is not fun, but life is a gift that should be cherished, ie hold dear. I strongly urge you to talk with a family member, friend, better still your family doctor.

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yes i was serious,and it is getting worse for me,i dont know how much more my nerves can take,this is devastating to me--i have been talking to my wife trying to ease my mind ,but i cant when hair is just coming out like this everyday---can a doctor help me

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  • Senior Member

If you are really concerned about the test, you could talk to a doctor about steroid detox. But most doctors will properly just tell you to drink TONS of water and eat TONS of natural fiber, which is quite good advice and will most likely work for you.

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Welcome to our community.


How Hair Loss occurs: Ultimately testosterone turns into dehydro-testosterone (DHT) which is responsible for the hair loss. These hairs genetically predetermined to be impacted by DHT will eventually get smaller and smaller until they no longer grow.


Rp1979 is correct. Steroids increases the amount of testosterone so surely could increase the amount of DHT which is getting to your scalp.


A few things you can do at this point:


1. GET OFF steroids - it's not good for you anyway

2. Get on finasteride and consider minoxodil the only two FDA approved drugs proven for efficacy and safety to combat hair loss.


Regarding how you are feeling...I am concerned for you...because even though NOBODY likes losing their hair, I do have serious concerns for you if you are thinking about suicide.


I do recommend that if you are seriously considering suicide that you contact a suicide hotline and talk to someone. If it is less serious, consider talking to a counselor.


Read this article that I posted to about the value in all of us: http://hair-restoration-info.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/146...1043572?r=1661004572


Though hair loss is something noone wants to go through...it is important to know that there is more to who we are than how we look.


If I can be of any further assistance, feel free to post your questions or you can PM me anytime.


Cheers bro...you are in GOOD company.



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Yes they will grow back! Don't stress over it to much. It is temporary.

But make an appointment today to see a physician to ease your concerns! icon_smile.gif

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  • Moderators
Originally posted by ROWDYROB:

WILL THEY not grow back after this is out of me--thanks


My personal opinion


1. Normally hairs on your head grow for a few years, then stop growing for a few weeks, then fall out. A new hair starts to grow in the same place a few weeks after that.


2. It sounds like you may have shocked your system and sent a lot of hairs into the fallout phase.


3. If that is the case then the lost hair will begin to return a few weeks after the stuff you took is out of your system.


Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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I am familiar with Steroids and their effects.. From what I remember this is a strong angeogenic drug.. This raises test levels and will elevate all male characteristics including haiross if you are predisposed. I thinkit just speeds up the process but if not you will grow it back


I don't think you will thought based on my experience. this is due to the sensitvity to DHT which raises when on the juice..



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

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Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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I'm not quick to push finasteride on anyone, but this sounds like you might be a good case for getting on finasteride ASAP. You've just dumped a bunch of new androgens into your system and that probably means a big spike in DHT levels as well. Finasteride will suppress the type II DHT that seems to most directly kill hair.


At least for the short term until the 'roids are out of your system, a very mild dosage of fin might not even cut your DHT levels below their orignal baseline but rather just help get them back towards normal. Then once this cycle is over, you can re-evaluate and make a longer-term decision about Fin usage after that.




And by the way, PLEASE don't rush out and go overboard with Finasteride dosing in a knee-jerk reaction. Fin is powerful stuff. It has messed up some guys as badly as the 'roids. In some cases it's very capable of ruining your sexual function and causing gyno (and these cases don't always seem very reversible, either).


Used in a healthy way or not, a lot of guys can immediately start feeling effects from it at no more than 0.50mg or 0.25mg per day. Start reading up on finasteride before you mess with it at all.




Regrowth potential for the lost hair?

Probably too early to know. Probably depends on how much of the sudden hair loss is due to your natural MPB being accelerated, versus how much was because of the overall jolt to your system that the 'roids caused.




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