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How close are we to implanting other people's hair into our own?

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  • Senior Member

Hi HLNewB,


This will never happen! You can do a search here and you'll find this question has been asked at least several other times. There are many problems with this


- Your body rejects foreign tissue. Taking Anti rejection drugs and their many side affects may be acceptable for a life saving operation such as kidney, liver and heart transplants but not for a cosmetic procedure such as HT


- If the body didn't reject the foreign tissues who in the hell would want to have a strip removed from their own head so someone else could have hair.


- other peoples hair isn't going to look natural (color, texture etc.) with your own hair.


- Cost would be extremely high


- No respectible doctor would do it, Medical malpractice insurance would cover it, etc, etc, etc,


As for restoring a completely full head of hair I'm sure things such as tissue regeneration science, hair cloning etc are much more likely but I wouldn't keep my fingers crossed for the near future.


If you still think implanting other peoples hair into your own sounds like a good idea I'm sure you could pull something off is some third world country. Just make sure you report back to us on the results icon_smile.gif

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  • Senior Member


- If the body didn't reject the foreign tissues who in the hell would want to have a strip removed from their own head so someone else could have hair.
If it were possible I bet there would be no shortage of donors. Everyone on skid row would have an ear to ear scar.
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