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Everything posted by hairlossnewbie

  1. Is that an unrealistic hope? A hope to where we can get as thick of a head of hair as we want, if we have the money to pay for it... Is the hair restoration research moving quickly and making progress? Thanks
  2. Is that an unrealistic hope? A hope to where we can get as thick of a head of hair as we want, if we have the money to pay for it... Is the hair restoration research moving quickly and making progress? Thanks
  3. Something I have been wondering is, after a hair transplant, what's to stop you from continuing to lose hair and recede even more? The majority of my hairloss is in the temple areas. Ideally, I would like to get an HT in a few small sessions only in the temple areas, but my concern is, wouldn't my temples continue to recede after the HT?
  4. Something I have been wondering is, after a hair transplant, what's to stop you from continuing to lose hair and recede even more? The majority of my hairloss is in the temple areas. Ideally, I would like to get an HT in a few small sessions only in the temple areas, but my concern is, wouldn't my temples continue to recede after the HT?
  5. Are there any recommendations you guys could give on finding these "ethical" surgeons? For those that have gotten hair transplants, are there any tips etc. you could give me to ensure I don't make a BIG mistake and end up using a bad doctor, only to regret my decision later? Thanks so much.
  6. Thanks for the answers to the first question. I think I'm getting more of a grasp on this now. With the FUE surgery, isn't there a concern that a much greater percentage of donor hairs is "killed/lost" during the transplant?
  7. Thank you for the answers everyone. If you don't mind, could I ask you a couple more? I am 28 years old. Have had a pretty thick head of hair until about age 25 when I began taking accutane, as mentioned above. This, I honestly believe, started mpb and an overall thinning of my hair. The thinning I am not concerned about, but the receding of the temple area is starting to really bother me. I'll be honest, the receding likely isn't nearly as much as almost all of the people's "before" pictures that I have seen online. But I am certain that given 5+ years it will be VERY noticable. With that said, here are the questions. I apologize if they sound ignorant, as I know very little about this subject. 1. Is it possible to take hair from the donor area without a long scar from one side of the back of the head to the other? (the thought of staples in my head, and a noticable scar across the back of my head scares me) Bill, I don't know how you've managed to go through all of that. 2. You mentioned that having the thickness of hair that I had at age 15 was not possible, which I can completely understand and that is not really my overall goal. What I would like is to have a strong hairline up front. Is that possible without a noticable trace of a hair transplant from the back of my head? 3. Dr. Mike, you mentioned taking medication to hold off on the hair loss. I've thought about taking propecia, but my wife and I want to have atleast 2 more children. We had out 1st about 6 months ago, so wouldn't try to have our next for several more years. By the time we're done, it will likely be 5+ years from now. I have heard by reading online that propecia causes low sperm counts. I don't want this to hinder our ability to have children, so I'm also scared to take propecia. Is this a legitimate fear? 4. Random question... and likely pretty ignorant. I've seen/heard a lot of talk about actors Ben Affleck and Matthew Mcconaughey either getting hair transplants or hair pieces or something. Why is it possible that they can have thick heads of hair, when it appeared pretty obvious that they were, at one time, going bald? (I know this question seems very immature, but I ask because I wonder if results like that are actually possible) Thank you very much for the help everyone.
  8. Thanks for the ridiculously crappy answer. What do you mean, what kind of question is that? I wanted to know if it was possible to basically surgically implant "fake" hair that appears completely "real" instead of removing hair from behind my head and transplanting that. Apparently this is not the place to expect serious answers. Did you not understand what I was asking, or are you just being an ass because you can?
  9. After taking accutane several years ago, my hair thinned considerably and I do believe it's led to mpb (male pattern balding). It's not extremely obvious right now, but I would like to correct this before it gets to the point where it will be completely obvious that I have a giant receding hairline. I've seen plenty of pictures of hair transplants and I: 1. Don't want a big scar on the back of my head 2. Don't want thin hair on the back of my head also 3. Want to be able to have the doc add as many "grafts" of hair as possible. I will likely have the same hairstyle for the rest of my life, so one would think it would be possible to have "fake" hair implanted. Is this possible? Thanks
  10. After taking accutane several years ago, my hair thinned considerably and I do believe it's led to mpb (male pattern balding). It's not extremely obvious right now, but I would like to correct this before it gets to the point where it will be completely obvious that I have a giant receding hairline. I've seen plenty of pictures of hair transplants and I: 1. Don't want a big scar on the back of my head 2. Don't want thin hair on the back of my head also 3. Want to be able to have the doc add as many "grafts" of hair as possible. I will likely have the same hairstyle for the rest of my life, so one would think it would be possible to have "fake" hair implanted. Is this possible? Thanks
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