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Cutting proscar


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I just got my first prescription of Proscar and I have no idea how to get the pills divided evenly into fifths. I bought a pill cutter which cuts fine but how exact can you cut these pills? The fifths seems so small. Is it just a very inexact science? Anyone with Proscar experience can you help me out? Even if its just to say you feel the same way. Thanks

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I just got my first prescription of Proscar and I have no idea how to get the pills divided evenly into fifths. I bought a pill cutter which cuts fine but how exact can you cut these pills? The fifths seems so small. Is it just a very inexact science? Anyone with Proscar experience can you help me out? Even if its just to say you feel the same way. Thanks

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  • Senior Member

Hey J25,


At your local pharmacy they have pill cutters that cut pills in half, I just cut 5mg in half then in half again...at times the pills crumble just a bit, but has worked for me, much cheaper than Propecia. BTW my Dr says 1.25mg per day is fine.


Good Luck.

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  • 2 months later...

i switched to proscar a while back. i take from 1/4 to 1/6th a day. when you cut it in quarters, you will lose some medicine in the form of crumbs, as the previous poster stated. so you aren't taking 1.25 mg of finasteride really. and, it doesn't hurt. it doesn't matter as long as you have a combined intake of 5 mg per 5 day week. but that doesn't mean take 1 5 mg a week. do your best to quarter or fifth them, and you'll be okay.

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  • 1 year later...
  • Regular Member

I read all the reports here on propecia and proscar and had a question on that. Since most people seems to have switched over to Proscar from Propecia, is there any sideeffects due to either one of them. I believe the main purpose was to treat benign prostate enlargement. Does that have any effect on prostate glands or any other organs.



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Cutting the Proscar is not an exact science. I'm sure some days I take like .75mg and other days 1.5mg. It doesn't matter. Take 5mg if you feel better about it. Merck's studies show that averaging 1mg consistently is a good bet. I have achieve satisfying results by quartering Proscar.

Finasteride is really a safe drug if I've seen one. DHT is important in the formation of a male fetus. If you have someone expecting in your household, keep those broken tablets away from her! Other than that, I wouldn't worry.

If you are a healthy adult male, then Propecia is very, very safe, I'd say.

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