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Dr. Min Ahn in Westborough, Mass.?


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Hello, I'm a 38 year old Caucasian male with what I'd say is a Norwood-3 hairline, or close to that. I've taken Minoxidil and now Propecia, at the suggestion of my dermatologist. A few months ago, I went to him for a recommendation for a hair transplant surgeon, and he recommended a Dr. Min Ahn, in Westborough, MA. Dr. Ahn's web site is "http://www.awcenter.com". Dr. Ahn also does plastic and cosmetic surgeries in addition to H/T's.


From Dr. Ahn's web site above:


"The technique that Dr. Ahn uses is the state of the art method known as follicular unit grafting. Dr. Ahn learned this technique while completing a facial plastic surgery fellowship with renowned hair transplant surgeon Sheldon Kabaker."


I've read things about Dr. Kabaker, much of it good, some not so good.


Has anyone had any H/T's done by Dr. Ahn?



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  • Regular Member

Hello, I'm a 38 year old Caucasian male with what I'd say is a Norwood-3 hairline, or close to that. I've taken Minoxidil and now Propecia, at the suggestion of my dermatologist. A few months ago, I went to him for a recommendation for a hair transplant surgeon, and he recommended a Dr. Min Ahn, in Westborough, MA. Dr. Ahn's web site is "http://www.awcenter.com". Dr. Ahn also does plastic and cosmetic surgeries in addition to H/T's.


From Dr. Ahn's web site above:


"The technique that Dr. Ahn uses is the state of the art method known as follicular unit grafting. Dr. Ahn learned this technique while completing a facial plastic surgery fellowship with renowned hair transplant surgeon Sheldon Kabaker."


I've read things about Dr. Kabaker, much of it good, some not so good.


Has anyone had any H/T's done by Dr. Ahn?



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I live in Boston. After extensive research and after doing consultations with a few local HT doctors in Massachusetts, I came to the conclusion that there is no one locally worth going to in my opinion.


I don't know of Dr. Ahn, but these are the questions you must ask him and if the answer is anything other than a literal "YES", run like the wind:


1). Do you use microscropes to dissect grafts?


2). Do you use custom-made incision blades?


3). Do you perform Trichophytic donor closure?


I suggest that you have a consultation with Dr. True who is highly-respected and does sugery in NYC but has a consultation office near Copley in downtown Boston. I myself had a consultation with him, and he was highly professional, articulate and all round great guy. He would be your best bet if you don't want to travel far for a top quality in-office consultation. There are also other excellent doctors in NY such as Dr. Bernstein and Dr. Feller, but unfortunately none in Massachusetts.


Living in Boston myself, I actually decided to fly to North Carolina to get my HT with one of the best. Good luck.

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I second that.. As you can see I have had 3 HT's with dr. True.. Very good doctor and great person as well.. Put it this way, there arent many people on here who have gone to the same doc 3 times in a row ..



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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I live in RI but went to Hasson & Wong in Vancouver [with the travel reimbursement provided by H&W for the flight, it only cost a couple of hundred dollars for the flight, & they paid for the hotel for 2 nights]. Don't let distance determine who you have your procedure with. Do your research & pick a doc, not a location. Travel cost is cheap money compared to what's at stake.

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Don't even consider anyone unless you have done lots of research and seen several photos and/or patients of the doc in person.


Spend some time on this site and take a look at the unsolicited photos and start to judge for yourself. Don't go to anyone in Mass area as there is no one that is highly respected.


Good luck.





Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Hello Nick and welcome to the forums.


You've been given some good things to think about.


I can only echo NN here...


Do a lot of research.


Don't go to any doctor unless you've seen several photos of their patients POSTED by patients (not only by the clinic).


Use this forum and others as a tool to get the information you need.


Don't let location determine which doctor you choose.


And in all honesty, I'd stick to proven doctors...research our coalition doctors: http://www.hairlosslearningcenter.org/hair-loss-content...s/our_physicians.asp


I hope this helps,



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To all who've posted so far, thanks so much for taking the time to share your opinions with me. I hope I don't sound a bit naive, but I went to my dermatologist for a H/T surgeon recommendation so I wouldn't have to rely on infomercials and the like. I figured, who better to get a recommendation from, than an MD? And I was referred to this dermatologist by my primary care doctor, whom I've gone to for years, and like and respect highly.


That said, I will say that from everything I've heard, you should go to a H/T surgeon who exclusively focuses on transplants, and obviously the doctor I was recommended to (Dr. Ahn) focuses on other things. Hair transplantation doesn't even seem to be that high a priority with his practice, from what I can see on the web site. Plus, there's only one before/after photo on Dr. Ahn's web site, right here:




I hate to sound like I'm knocking this doctor, especially when I haven't met him nor anyone treated by him, but in my honest layman's opinion the photo of this H/T doesn't seem all that impressive. And why only one before/after photo posted when other H/T surgeons often post many photos, plus testimonials? I'd be very interested in the opinion of anyone on this forum who can look at this picture, plus their opinion of the statements made on this web page.


Again, thanks to all. Looks like I may need to consider traveling, at least to NYC to doctors with reputations like Drs. True, Dorin and Bernstein. Seems like those dr.'s have overall very good reputations.

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It sounds like you are learning something here...that is good.


As I said...I can't say whether Dr. Min Ahn does quality work or not.


But to me going to an unknown doctor brings unnecessary risk. Since donor supply is finite, you want to do things RIGHT from the begining.


Definitely add Dr. Feller to your list of considerations in NY if you are sticking to NY.


Keep us posted my friend,



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