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Hi, I just started taking propecia about a week ago. I have a few questions.


It is said that propecia works for 9 of 10 men.

I noticed that my penis is softer than usual during erection. Does this mean the drug is working? I want to know that the drug is actually working so I don't have to worry about losing hair. I hate it so much. Is there any way to know for sure if it's working? If I am experiencing the penis side effect, does this mean the drug is halting the DHT and the drug is doing what it's supposed to do?


My second question is:

I know that propecia is supposed to at least SLOW hair loss.

Will it slow it/halt it FOREVER? Or will it stop working after a few years. I do not want to lose any more hair at all. Ever again.

Knowing that it might only work for a few years doesn't do it for me. I need to know that i will have the same amount of hair when I'm 75 years old.



Thank you to whoever reads this message and gives me a kind reply.

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  • Regular Member

Hi, I just started taking propecia about a week ago. I have a few questions.


It is said that propecia works for 9 of 10 men.

I noticed that my penis is softer than usual during erection. Does this mean the drug is working? I want to know that the drug is actually working so I don't have to worry about losing hair. I hate it so much. Is there any way to know for sure if it's working? If I am experiencing the penis side effect, does this mean the drug is halting the DHT and the drug is doing what it's supposed to do?


My second question is:

I know that propecia is supposed to at least SLOW hair loss.

Will it slow it/halt it FOREVER? Or will it stop working after a few years. I do not want to lose any more hair at all. Ever again.

Knowing that it might only work for a few years doesn't do it for me. I need to know that i will have the same amount of hair when I'm 75 years old.



Thank you to whoever reads this message and gives me a kind reply.

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  • Senior Member

Hi frak82,


Your mileage will vary with Propecia, in some men it will actually cause some regrowth but in most cases it will just slow/halt your hair loss.


The fact that you may be getting side effects is not an indication of how well you will respond with Propecia, only time will tell. I would give it 6-12 months before judging its efficacy.


I believe I was one of the cases where Propecia was not working well for me as I have had most of my hairloss while on it. It is only after adding Minioxidil to my regimen did I notice that my hairloss has slowed/halted.


The idea that the Propecia loses its effictiveness after a few years is probably based on the fact that Patients have gained hair in the few years while on propecia but then proceed to experience hair loss after a while. Patients are still better off for having been on (and continue to stay on) Propecia so this should not discourage you as it is the most effective treatment currently available for hairloss at the moment.


In conclusion Propecia should be the corner stone of your regimen, if you want to do more to halt your hairloss I would add Minoxidil and Nizoral shampoo to your regimen as well.

1344 grafts with Ron Shapiro - June 2006

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  • Regular Member



i started taking propecia 8 days ago too. im really suprised you are having side effects already. i always assumed it would take months for anything like that to happen?


i have noticed no sides at this point and i hope that continues i guess you would say im nw2.5. i just hope this slows it down or if im lukcy it might stop it?


good luck to you mate

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  • Regular Member

I'm a month and week in.... I have noticed no effect on my erections. (Thank god)... but I think when I first started, I may have noticed a slight change, but overall, I have noticed less and less hair in the sink, no regrowth yet... I'm not expecting to grow hair like a CHIA pet, just as long as it slows it down. I think that when you first start a drug, some of the things you experience are part psychological... all I can say is that I stopped looking in the mirror every morning and just "know" in my head that it is working. I think as with anything, if you don't have a positive outlook with it, it won't work. The mind is a powerful thing.

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  • Regular Member

Propecia is one of the cleanest and most benign products for incidence of side effects. The placebo group in the studies had the same incidence, as did the patients taking the drug.


The people that reported any erectile dysfunction were .8%, and so odds are it is probably in your head.


There really is no physiological reason you should have sexual side effects because testosterone goes up 10-15% while taking Propecia, and so in essence your libido should increase, not decrease, and you should not have sexual side effects.

I am the patient coordinator for Dr. Scott Alexander in Phoenix, Arizona. Dr. Alexander's Coalition Membership Profile

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