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shaving the donor + jerry cooley


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Hello. My name is Ray, I'm a new member and I have decided to do something about my balding.


I am getting a hair transplant done by Cooley because I'm moving to Carolina.


1) I recently read what Spex / Feller said about shaving both the donor and the recipient area (but I can't find the link anymore). Personally I felt Spex's reasons were valid but did not seem to effect the end result if you shave the donor area.


Cooley's team said that they do not need to shave the recipient area because they believe that they can get the same results either way. This is good for me because I can't take any time off work. I'd really like know what Bill thinks of Cooley and his team - and I'd like to know what Spex thinks too.


2) Does Cooley's team do miniaturization testing? Like this sort of thing:



3) My long term goal would be to get 1 more transplant done in another couple of years. I am thinking then I will see Feller for a dense pack FUE operation. By then I will be able to afford the FUE operation and it won't personally matter about the shaving.


Whew. How does that sound guys?


- Ray

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To answer your questions, you do not need to shave your head with Dr. Cooley's office. Dr. Cooley uses a Sagittal Slit Technique which allows him to maneuver around your hair and place grafts that mimic your original hair. Please keep in mind that if you do have hair, the HT surgery will take longer since they will have to constantly move your hair around.


Placing grafts in between hair also increases risk of temporary shock loss, just to let you know.


As far as Dr. Cooley and miniaturization testing, he can take a look at your existing hair and generalize where you are thinning. NHI who handles balding blog actually does extensive test but these test while I personally think is useful, other opinions may differ.


Regarding your long term goals, why the Dense Pack with FUE? If you're already going to have a FUT, why not stick with an FUT with your 2nd procedure? FUT in general provides better yield.


Choosing Dr. Cooley because you're in the Carolina's shouldn't be a factor in your decision. You should go to the best qualified Doctor that impresses you the most.


I personally think Dr. Cooley is one of the best HT doctors, but he doesn't get the recognition that many others get on this site get.


As an FYI, I don't see any issues choosing him as your Doctor. I think you'll be surprisingly amazed at how good he is.

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I had a ht with Dr Cooley 1st December 2009. I had 2000 Grafts and did not shave , I think its personal preference as to Drs shaving or not and I dont think it affects the results . Not shaving is a huge benefit if you want to get on with things I was in Baileys Bar just up the road from Dr Cooleys HQ 2 days later !!


This was my 6th transplant and by far the easiest to recover from





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Thanks guys.


How do the other members on this board website rate Jerry on a World scale? I am terrified about getting a transplant and want to make sure I'm going to one of the best in the world.


ej, do you have any photos or a blog?

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Hi ,

Im waiting a few more months before starting a blog , Im 4 months in so nothing to see really , not shaving made it for me lot less hassle !



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I had the Acell treatment to my donor area , you must remember though I have bad scaring from 5 prior outdated procedures I think the Acell is used to prevent scar tissue forming and as a healing aid , you need to check with the Dr as to if you require it , Im nearly 4 months in and everythings ok , will post pics when got 12 months down the line !!



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