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Everything posted by razgeezer

  1. I agree. I have been thinking about that - and the way you put it is the best I've heard yet. I'm sure that there is a good strategy for this. Perhaps I should ask my surgeon to start thicker in the front and thin the transplants out towards the back so that a natural bald circle in the back is all you're left with. Do you think that makes sense?
  2. Thanks for saying that. Its good to know I'm not alone. Based on the number of people that report these same issues I can't agree more - I think that they should be more up front about the side effects and people should just admit it upfront. "Some people, probably due to their DNA get less erections" - So your choice is less erections or more hair. At least until cloning gets nailed! Also Merck make billions from the stuff. I wish they would modify the ingredients to try and counter the effects. Merck are creaming it by now - they really should put back more research into their product
  3. I'll have to ask my wife to see how far back the balding goes. I'll update you. Yes I do have side effects but they do not stop me getting an erection when I am being aroused, however my morning erections are fewer between. So it could be worse! I wonder if other people here can relate to those symptoms? I'm going to try the 1/2 propecia dosage to see how that effects me.
  4. There are a number of guys here that really inspire me. Here are some of their pre op shots. Spex pre op: http://www.hairtransplantnetwo...otos/preop2000_1.jpg Bill pre op: http://www.hairtransplantnetwo.../photos/DCP_3667.jpg I was thinking. My hair from the front looks much like these two images. If I had 4000 hair transplants and stopped taking propecia so that all the natural hair fell out... Would the remaining 4000 transplanted hairs look thicker then what it did pre transplant?
  5. Did either of you get PRP or ACell treatment at the same time?
  6. Thanks guys. How do the other members on this board website rate Jerry on a World scale? I am terrified about getting a transplant and want to make sure I'm going to one of the best in the world. ej, do you have any photos or a blog?
  7. Sorry. I "think" I should have posted this here: - Hair Restoration Questions and Answers
  8. Hello. My name is Ray, I'm a new member and I have decided to do something about my balding. I am getting a hair transplant done by Cooley because I'm moving to Carolina. 1) I recently read what Spex / Feller said about shaving both the donor and the recipient area (but I can't find the link anymore). Personally I felt Spex's reasons were valid but did not seem to effect the end result if you shave the donor area. Cooley's team said that they do not need to shave the recipient area because they believe that they can get the same results either way. This is good for me because I can't take any time off work. I'd really like know what Bill thinks of Cooley and his team - and I'd like to know what Spex thinks too. 2) Does Cooley's team do miniaturization testing? Like this sort of thing: http://www.baldingblog.com/200...4/miniaturization-2/ 3) My long term goal would be to get 1 more transplant done in another couple of years. I am thinking then I will see Feller for a dense pack FUE operation. By then I will be able to afford the FUE operation and it won't personally matter about the shaving. Whew. How does that sound guys? - Ray
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