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Peach fuzz?

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  • Regular Member

Hi all,


I have been on Proscar and Rogaine for 12 months and found that the crown has thickened and the front island of hair I had 5 years ago has returned but only very thin and most of the hair is peach fuzz. I have made my mind up for HT with H&W just have to plan time off work and find the finance. It may still be 9 months off so my question was: - I believe Proscar has maybe stopped the progression of hair loss from the crown and the rogaine produced some peach fuzz at the front, if I have 4000 grafts will the peach fuzz be of any cosmetic value? or will it be lost with the shockloss of the HT procedure?


Many thanks for any advice


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  • Regular Member

Hi all,


I have been on Proscar and Rogaine for 12 months and found that the crown has thickened and the front island of hair I had 5 years ago has returned but only very thin and most of the hair is peach fuzz. I have made my mind up for HT with H&W just have to plan time off work and find the finance. It may still be 9 months off so my question was: - I believe Proscar has maybe stopped the progression of hair loss from the crown and the rogaine produced some peach fuzz at the front, if I have 4000 grafts will the peach fuzz be of any cosmetic value? or will it be lost with the shockloss of the HT procedure?


Many thanks for any advice

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  • Senior Member

IMO that frontal tuft will not provide a significant cosmetic value; however it looks like you are benefiting from the drugs and have stabalized your hair loss; 4000 grafts in the frontal 1/3rd should give you a nice cosmetic improvement;

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After 12 months on Propecia, I'm glad to hear that it has helped stop your hair loss and restore some hair in your crown. The peach fuzz produced by Rogaine may or may not develop into thick terminal hair. However, most clinics will have you stop taking Rogaine for up to a couple months before surgery, so you will most likely lose any hair Rogaine regrew. You can always start Rogaine up again after the hair transplant.


Hasson and Wong is an excellent choice.



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Originally posted by dhoose75:

IMO that frontal tuft will not provide a significant cosmetic value;

I agree; but not to worry- you should get an excellent result as you will be in great hands, literally!


Timothy Carman, MD ABHRS

President, (ABHRS)
ABHRS Board of Directors
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