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3,711 grafts with Hasson and Wong

Mr T

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Hi Folks,


I am back in Cleveland after receiving 3,711 grafts on Thursday with Dr. Jerry Wong at Hasson and Wong. My experinece there was like that of so many others -- excellent! The care and compassion shown by Dr. Wong, Dr. Hasson, and all the staff was just fabulous.


I won't bore you with a detailed recap of my day, but will add that no one asked me to post anything here or anywhere else. I am doing this because others have done so before me and I benefited from them sharing their stories. I want to do the same for those who still face the decision on which clinic and doctor to choose.


There are few places that get an unconditional recommendation from me. Hasson and Wong has just been added to that very short list!


Any questions, please let me know. I'll try to get pictures up before the weekend is over.


Thanks to so many of you for your support and good wishes... especially uncjim. The before and after e-mails you sent that Mike shared with me meant so much.


More to follow,


Mr. T


[This message was edited by Mr T on April 19, 2003 at 04:55 AM.]

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Hi Folks,


I am back in Cleveland after receiving 3,711 grafts on Thursday with Dr. Jerry Wong at Hasson and Wong. My experinece there was like that of so many others -- excellent! The care and compassion shown by Dr. Wong, Dr. Hasson, and all the staff was just fabulous.


I won't bore you with a detailed recap of my day, but will add that no one asked me to post anything here or anywhere else. I am doing this because others have done so before me and I benefited from them sharing their stories. I want to do the same for those who still face the decision on which clinic and doctor to choose.


There are few places that get an unconditional recommendation from me. Hasson and Wong has just been added to that very short list!


Any questions, please let me know. I'll try to get pictures up before the weekend is over.


Thanks to so many of you for your support and good wishes... especially uncjim. The before and after e-mails you sent that Mike shared with me meant so much.


More to follow,


Mr. T


[This message was edited by Mr T on April 19, 2003 at 04:55 AM.]

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I know the feeling Mr T. I had my surgery with Dr. Wong on 1 May last year, coming up on my one year anniversary. You had a larger number of grafts than I did, I had a little over 2900, so I'm sure you'll be very pleased with the results. I know I'm happy with the results that I have seen. I have promised to post pics of my hair growth, but have failed to do so, but I will at the one year mark. Just be patient. The one thing that takes a while to occur is the thickening of the hair shaft. I was amazed at how the increase in the diameter of the hair gave me a much fuller look. I saw the most improvement in this area around the 7-9 months period. By the way, how long did your surgery take? I had initially thought I might go back for a second transplant around the year mark. But I am so pleased with the results, I do not see the need. Yes, I would definitely improve my density if I had another surgery, especially in the crown and middle area of my head, but it's not that bad and I'm happy with the overall look. Get ready to start spending more time standing in front of your mirror when your hair finally grows in and gets thicker. Keep us posted on your progress and post a few pics if you can. I'll have 1 year pics up sometime after my one year mark. Again, congrats!

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Thanks augustart. It's nice to hear about your success. I will also wait quite a while to decide on whether more work is in my future. After seeing what I am today, I may leave well enough alone... but time will tell.


To answer your question, I was in the chair about 12 hours. We got started with the strip procedure a little before 6:45am and finished up somewhere close to 6:30pm. It was a long day for the staff, but actually passed rather quickly for me.


Our procedures sound similar as Dr. Wong packed about 2,000 grafts in the front third of my head. If I remember correctly, he built the frontal hairline with about 850 single hair grafts, then a transition zone of 1,150 two hair grafts and then larger grafts behind those. This may not be exact as I couldn't see much of what was happening, but could pick up the conversation when I wasn't watching a movie or talking with his assistants.


Dr. Wong also removed a few old punch grafts that were below my hairline, but had to leave a couple for the next time. My forehead was so tight that he was concerned about scarring, if he removed the six or seven plug grafts all at one time. The good part is he had the old plugs dissected and re-transplanted with the other grafts. No wasted hair!


I'll look forward to seeing your one year pictures and hearing you comments on mine when I get them posted.


Take care,


Mr. T

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but congratulations?!? Seems like par for the course. I'm very glad for you.


Augustart!!! Damn, bro how ya been? I look forward to your pics. I've had people asking me about you.





Carpe Capillus!!


The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Mr T,


Happy head of hair to ya !!!


A little swealling/redness & 6 months worth of time I think you will have a nice improvement.


All the best to you !!


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In addition to swelling and redness (which I have), you forgot to mention itching. It has started already and is making me crazy. I guess that means I am using enough Grafcyte spray and things are healing. That's a positive thought to occupy my mind when I feel the need to scratch... which I know I can't do.


Mr. T

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