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The future is bright...?

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  • Senior Member

Clearly hair transplantation and the hair restoration industry in general has come on in leaps and bounds over the last 20 years. The surgical knowledge and range of techniques have improved stupendously, the medication and non-surgical options are now vast (even if not all of them are that impressive!) and, it seems, the knowledge of MPB and how hair might be restored has been improved greatly.


And yet, clearly there is some distance left to go before the threat of baldness is truly a thing of the past. But my question is simple; in your opinions and based on your knowledge, do you think restoring a full head of hair will be possible in the near future? I'm not necessarily talking about one miracle cure; I think we all know that's unlikely any time soon. But between the medications, the transplants and other new techniques being developed do you think we're close to seeing a time when restoring a near enough full head of hair, even for a NW6, is realistic?


I'm asking primarily to collate thoughts but also to look at the larger plan for the future. Obviously none of us can hedge our bets on wonderful new technology that's only 5-10 years away, but similarly, should we be keeping one eye on future advancements when planning our hair restoration futures? I'm 27 and showing fairly early signs of MPB. If I experience it in the same or similar way that my father did (and I very much suspect I might) there is a good chance I'll be able to conceal and deal with my MPB through non-surgical means for at least another 2-3 years and possibly beyond. In addition, I haven't even tried temporarily getting rid of the problem by buzz cutting or shaving completely; both options I may explore before making any decisions.


So, I'm asking just out of curiosity, do you think in your opinions (which I know on this message board range from personal to professional) that there will be minor or major advances in this field in the next say 3-10 years? I think so many people get so absorbed in the day to day of their hairloss problems they forget that they have a life outside of hairloss and, additionally, that the hairloss industry is an ever-evolving and seemingly ever improving one. I wanted to start this thread partly out of curiosity but also partly to focus myself and other people who are worried about their hairloss on to the bigger picture and hopefully get people thinking about the future; both their own personal future but also the future for this industry in general.


And also, without trying to presume I can offer sage advice, I've read so many frantic and upset posts on this message board by people worried about their hairloss. I, of course, can understand their fears (can't we all!) but I think the first step in dealing with hairloss is to remember why you want and feel you need hair in the first place. To improve image, to improve self-esteem, to improve confidence. But I think any obsession is bad, and hairloss in no exception. You don't learn to drive; you learn how to get where you want to go in your own way, and I think dealing with hairloss is the same issue. When dealing with hairloss you're never just dealing with the loss of hair, but the deeper psychological scarring and fears that can bring about. What you're really looking for is confidence and being comfortable with yourself but I think a lot of people who get too engulfed by any one issue risk falling down on others too.


I'm not trying to give advice or dictate how people should feel of course, it's just after reading a lot of posts on here I'm compelled to say we should all think about life and our futures in the biggest possible way; keep focused on our goals (not just hairloss goals), keep optimistic about the massive progress we make in science and technology (which can relate to hairloss treatment) and remember that getting a head of hair might change how you feel about who you are, but won't change who you are. I'm not saying don't worry about hairloss; I'm just saying don't stop worrying about everything else! There is a balance to be struck in life and having hair, by default, can only really be a section of that balance. Stay focused, stay driven and stay optimistic but most of all, stay realistic - there is hope in the future, and similarly, MPB is not a be all and end all. No point having a full head of hair if you're coming undone from the insides. Millions of people have had to deal with hairloss and, unfortunately, much much worse. There is already so much to be excited and thankful for in the world of hairloss treatment and I'm sure more is on the way (indeed, I'm interested in finding out!).


Sorry for the rant, I was just compelled to keep typing because whilst I, of course, worry about my hairloss, my image, my self esteem and my future, I'm also realistic that there is more to me than hairloss and if I put all of myself into just getting that back I can lose so much more in the process. We're all here to combat hairloss but I've read some posts from deeply upset people and I think it's essential for our health to keep putting things in perspective and keep updating our goals, our realities and our hope for the future!

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  • Senior Member

Great post, I enjoyed reading it!


As far as I can see the brightest thing on the horizon is hair cloning. This involves taking a small sample tissue from the back of your head and then growing living, mature follicles from it an a laboratory. Imagine that ? You could be a Norwood class 7 and you just go to the clinic, they take the sample, and you come back 3 weeks later and they have 40,000 grafts ready to implant into your head. With a great surgeon to prepare the recipient site, patients will have Elvis's hair even if they were a class 7 !! And no meds, no sexual sides, no nothing !!! It would indeed be the holy grail we are all hoping for. And from what I have read I believe they have already done it, but are just sorting out the details.


What I would like to know most is can we plan out our HT procedures today to SOME extent based upon the cloning technology being available in the next 20-30 years ? I ask this because if I wasn't so worried about my donor supply running out in 20 years if I head to a more advanced Nowrood, then I would go for a more aggressive and dense HT today up front. I still have a good bit of native hair on top, so if I knew there was at least a 60% chance cloning would be available at least sometime by 2030 then I would be willing to take this risk.

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  • Senior Member

I asked Dr. Cooley about this when I had my HT back in February and what his thought about this since he was working with Intercytex on this.


From what I remember (I might have been too doped up), he said that the next big thing is injecting something into your hair to stimulate follicles and PRP.


Of course I could have been dreaming the whole thing, haha.

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  • Senior Member

good post. i think its important to remember that propecia has only been around to treat hair loss for a little over ten yrs, thats not a long time at all. I'm not sure a cure is coming anytime soon, and the 5-10 yr thing on cloning has been the number for forever now, but i think its safe to say there will absolutely be better treatments available as we age. its important to remember that we are in the infant stages of things like stem cell therapy ect. and that it takes awhile to get fda approval on things.

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  • Senior Member

Thanks Guys icon_smile.gif


I have heard of hair cloning too; it sounded like the about the biggest potential for progression. Also I know Intercytex got to Stage II of their medical trials (which involved not cloning hair but enabling spent follicles to grow again) but the company has dissolved since then (I think they have sold their ideas on, however...).


The concept of hair cloning sounds exciting and a logical step forward for hairloss treatment. Clearly the major limitation of HTs is donor supply and, whilst I don't see HTs becoming obsolete any time soon, lets hope in the next 5-10 years we do start seeing stem cell and cloning technology being applied successfully in this field.


To me the future does seems pretty bright in hair restoration. Already the options today are impressive and can potentially be used simultaneously: FUT, FUE, BHT, Propecia, Minoxidil, Nizoral etc. There are numerous opportunities to improve your hair density and restore your hairline within reasonable costs (certainly in line with any other cosmetic procedures).


If hair cloning does come about it sounds like the perfect way to create virtually limitless donor supply. Equally if the work done by Intercytex proves fruitful that's another way to build up density. Exciting times!

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