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Is hair surgery daunting

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Hi everyone,is the whole process of a hair transplant as daunting as it sounds.I have a fairly decent head of hair but am defo going for work on my receeding hairline.As always though,just as i make a decision to book my surgery i bottle it!! Im worried i end up in worse position than i am in now.I feel i have done a ton of research,going with either Dr Ron Shapiro or Dr Alexander and am really excited at having a much better hairline but also scared to death of a mistake.

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  • Regular Member

Hi everyone,is the whole process of a hair transplant as daunting as it sounds.I have a fairly decent head of hair but am defo going for work on my receeding hairline.As always though,just as i make a decision to book my surgery i bottle it!! Im worried i end up in worse position than i am in now.I feel i have done a ton of research,going with either Dr Ron Shapiro or Dr Alexander and am really excited at having a much better hairline but also scared to death of a mistake.

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  • Senior Member



I, as well, have been going back and forth for almost three years. At one moment I really want to go for it and the next there is NO way I am going to do this. It has definitely been a struggle in my head (and on top of my head!?!)


Like spex has said, you have researched, picked two great clinics, and now your informed decision either way can be made. If you do it, you have done it with a knowledge that most do not have going in to their procedure; if you don't, you still have that knowledge but did not feel it was the right time or the right thing to do for you.


I am in the same boat and know how hard the decision is...



My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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I know exactly how you feel. I though about 3+ years before I did it. I will say this though, when I did take the plunge, I was confident I'd made the right choice. It could have been because my hair thinned quite a bit in those three years or it could have been the consistent results that I saw surgeons getting. Either way, you've picked a couple of good surgeons. Take your time and once you make up your mind, don't second guess yourself. It does get worse before it gets better, and in the ugly duckling stage everybody wonders if they made the right choice!

- badger

3279 grafts with Dr Gabel - 06/12/08


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Gabel

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It was a tough decision for me as well. I had considered it for over a year. For me my main hesitation was my age being only 22, but in the end I decided to go for it. As long as you chose a reputable doc (either one you mentioned seems great) you should be fine.

Best of luck in your decision.

August 12, 2008 - 3100 grafts Dr. Feller


Check out my blog - http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=876

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I was 22 and I regret it, mainly because that was 10.5 years ago and I have a unessasary scar on the back of my head, prob would do it now, with fue if I hadnt done it before with strip. Trying to get the hair taken out now and put into the scar, doesnt look unatural, I just wanna try to return to natural me.

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