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Hello everyone.


Im 30 yo male 4 months after my hair transplant.

3000 grafts were transplanted into diffuse thinning pattern.

I expected to see major growth after such amount of time, but what

I see is just small growth and not a lot of new hairs like I thought it would be.

Is it a normal situation ?


Please help.


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Hello everyone.


Im 30 yo male 4 months after my hair transplant.

3000 grafts were transplanted into diffuse thinning pattern.

I expected to see major growth after such amount of time, but what

I see is just small growth and not a lot of new hairs like I thought it would be.

Is it a normal situation ?


Please help.


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  • Regular Member

im no expert but what i have read on this site and various other places, it can varie from person to person on the speed of growth and how much growth. Please do not worry as this will be totally normal and in another 4 months you should see major changes. im sure the guys on here will be able to reassure you better than i can....


good luck and happy growing

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Growth at this very early stage is really nothing to worry about.At this time we have seen extremes from hair barely breaking skin to others who have a couple of centimetres of growth.Just hang on in there , be patient;even if things are slow for you,it's the norm with most people.It will work out fine in the end



Patient coordinator for Dr. Bessam Farjo who is an esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Spex is right. 4 months is way too early to evaluate a hair transplant. Most patients only just start to experience new growth between 3 to 5 months. When hair begins to pop through the surface, it typically starts thin and fine, not visible to the naked eye. Only over time does it thicken, darken, and become like your natural hair.


Hair growth is also very gradual and hair can come in at different times.


Most patients start to see good signs of growth between 6 to 8 months.


Best wishes,



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Guest Brad Limmer, MD

When I first started working here with the Limmer's I remember the men kept calling so anxious about when they would see growth and I would say "just give it about 9 months". I mean, how hard can that be? Then about 4 years later I was expecting my first child, now I was having to wait 9 months. So trust me, I feel you... NINE MONTHS IS AN ETERNITY! Now I can completely relate to you men/women waiting to see results!

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