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Dr. Konior

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  • Regular Member

I am going to Dr. Konior's office in a couple weeks for a consultation and am wondering who all here has consulted with or had an HT done by Dr. Konior. If you have, please post all thoughts, concerns, etc... How did your consultation go? How was he/his staff before, during, and immediately after the HT? How helpful has he been in the months following your HT? Are you happy with your HT? What about your scar? Is it small/hidden/itchy, etc...? I am not sure how many people we have on here who have consulted with or had an HT done by Dr. Konior but I hope I can get some good feedback from those of you we do have!



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  • Regular Member

I am going to Dr. Konior's office in a couple weeks for a consultation and am wondering who all here has consulted with or had an HT done by Dr. Konior. If you have, please post all thoughts, concerns, etc... How did your consultation go? How was he/his staff before, during, and immediately after the HT? How helpful has he been in the months following your HT? Are you happy with your HT? What about your scar? Is it small/hidden/itchy, etc...? I am not sure how many people we have on here who have consulted with or had an HT done by Dr. Konior but I hope I can get some good feedback from those of you we do have!



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  • Senior Member

Fading, I did not have a HT with Dr. Konior, but had my sutures removed at his office and had a great discussion with him after the sutures were removed.


He removed them for free and checked out my recipient and donor for any issues I may be having. He is very direct, honest, and personable and he has a solid record on these forums of really really good work. He or Tom (his consultant) posts results on here that I am sure you have reviewed. If you ask Tom, I am sure he can send you names of patients willing to discuss with you over the phone or even meet.


I met a couple of the techs and they also checked on my two week results, all super friendly and knowledgeable.


He does do larger sessions, which I was not aware of until I was there speaking with him. Of the pictures I have seen, they all look very natural.

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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